Archive | Losing Fat

Healthy Fat Loss Tips

There are a lot of these quick weight loss methods floating around today including fancy sounding supplements, drinks and diet pills that just do not work. Any that do work will give you only temporary results.

With this in mind you should rely on a healthy fat loss solution which provides lifetime results.

Here are a few tips for healthy fat loss that will get rid of those unwanted pounds.

1. Get your day started right

I’m sure all your life you herd that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, that’s true. A healthy breakfast will help kick-start your metabolism and will be used to burn fat through the day.

2. Want to prevent over eating? Eat more

Eat small and healthy meals more frequently. Five small snacks/meals throughout the day is better than the common three large meals a day. This rule will prevent over eating and will also burn calories faster and increase your metabolism.

3. Set goals

Its nearly impossible to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks, its just not realistic. You should be setting goals.

Once you have found a weight loss plan / program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting goals.

4. Once in a while indulgences

The corner stone of a healthy fat loss diet are fruits and vegetables. For those needed carbs, some breads, rice and some pasta’s are good. Don’t forget the lean meat’s and high protein foods. Once in a while indulgences include soda, pastry’s and sweets in general.

5. Exercise

It isn’t very difficult to sneak in some exercises through the day. Going to the store? Park deeper in the parking lot and walk a little farther. If you can take the stars, take them. Even walking a few laps around the block is great exercise.

These few examples will get you started on the road to healthy fat loss. Just remember, Eat healthier and get some exercise. This will give you a higher chance of losing weight, avoid diseases and improving your over all health.

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Fat Loss – Using Compound Exercises to Lose Fat Faster

If there’s one thing that everyone has less of these days; it’s time. A lot of my clients are busy professionals who just don’t seem to have much time. They come to me for one major reason; to give them the biggest bang for their buck with the 30-45 minutes of workout time they can muster from their busy lifestyle.

You see before they come to me, their workouts consist mainly of bicep curls, leg curls, leg adduction, sit ups etc. These are all great exercises; if you have a lot of time to workout. However, due to the single joint nature of these exercises they do not provide for efficiency in terms of value for the time invested as they generally work only one muscle group rather than multiple muscle groups.

Single joint exercises (such as bicep curls, leg curls, tricep extensions, leg extensions, peck deck etc) are limited in the following areas:

Hormonal response – less amount of growth hormone released – less fat burnt.

Calorie expenditure – lower amount of calories burnt – thus less fat burnt.

Functional Strength – Don’t increase your ability to perform everyday activities such as lifting boxes, gardening, climbing stairs etc.

So when these busy individuals come to me, the first thing I do is set up a workout routine consisting of mainly compound exercises. Compound exercises work more than one muscle group at a time. For e.g. the shoulder press works the shoulders and the triceps at the same time; therefore working multiple muscles in one go. This saves times as it cuts down on the time involved in working the shoulders and the triceps separately; therefore allowing my clients to get more productivity, whether that is fat loss, muscle building or improved athletic performance in less time.

Compound exercises are also the benchmark in quick fat loss, muscle building, athletic performance for the following reasons:

Hormonal response – Compound exercises have the greatest anabolic hormonal response. Compound exercises lead to a much higher growth hormone release as compared to isolative, single joint exercises. Growth hormone promotes lean body mass which in turn burns fat.

Calorie expenditure – Compound exercises lead to more work done as compared to isolation exercises. This means a greater calorie expenditure which in turn increases your fat loss.

Abdominal Development – Compound exercises lead to a greater activation of the core – leading to stimulation of the abdominal muscles which in turn gives you a tight waist and a set of sexy six pack abs much faster than most abs exercises.

Functional Strength – Compound exercises mimic natural and everyday movements. This means that your ability to perform everyday movements such as lifting, climbing stairs, gardening etc is improved significantly leading to a reduced chance of injury and back pain.

Now that you understand the power of compound exercises lets look at some of the best compound exercises.

Squats – Squats are by far the best exercise for working your thighs, gluteus (butt) and the core in the fastest time possible.

Dead lifts – I have never seen a more powerful exercise when it comes to working your hamstrings, gluteus, lower back, upper back and grip strength at the same time.

Chip ups – Chin ups are very powerful in working your back as well as your biceps (arms) as well as your core.

Lat pull downs – if you are not strong enough to perform chin ups then the lat pull downs are a good alternative. They are very similar to the chin up except that they don’t recruit as many muscle fibers and therefore do not allow for the highest stimulation of the back muscles.

Bent over barbell rows – This is by far the most important and powerful exercise when it comes to working the middle back.

Shoulder Press & Bench Press; are both excellent exercises when it comes to working the chest, shoulders and triceps.

To recap, Compound exercises are of vital importance to anyone who’s short on time or wants to cut their workout time by using only the most powerful exercises in their workout. So if you want to lose fat faster, gain more muscle in less time or improve functional strength then substitute your current workout program for one that consists of mainly compound exercises and then watch your results skyrocket.

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Weight Loss Exercises

Exercise is simply the best way for weight loss, as it not only reduces your weight but also keeps you healthy. Exercise is considered necessary for all the people, even those who are living a healthy life. It keeps you fit and smart. There are numerous exercises for weight loss. These depend on area of body from where you want to reduce weight. If you are having some pain in your back or have undergone some sort o surgery then certain exercises may not be good for you. You should consult a trainer and get advice on exercises you should perform. Exercise gives you long lasting results and you can maintain the reduced weight for a long time.

For toning your lower abdominal area, there is a very good exercise and you can see the results within one week. Here are some steps to follow to perform this exercise. Lie on your back with your legs straight. Slowly raise your head and neck off the mat as if you are starting a basic crunch. Place your hand behind your head. Bend your legs in and raise them off the floor. Then straighten and point them in the air at 11 o’clock position. Keep your head and neck off the floor. Slowly move both legs down by keeping them together and as straight as you can, until they are about a foot above from the floor. Now again raise them and repeat the same for at least 10 times.

Exercises will entirely change your overall body figure. These can strengthen the muscles of different parts of the body and can make your body strong. If you want to shed some weight from thighs and bottom then there are many exercises for this purpose. You are suggested to go from light exercises towards the heavy ones. Any exercise which helps in tightening the muscles of your thighs and legs should be given preference. Running and cycling are also good exercises for weight loss.

Swimming, jogging and running are also considered very good exercises for weight loss. They increase the speed of fat burning and help in reduction of extra weight. Exercise increases the speed of your metabolism which is very good for the process of losing your weight. And all the exercises which require a lot of energy are best for it. Making exercise a compulsory part of your daily routine will keep you fit and smart and will not let you gain extra weight.

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Weight-Loss Diets – The Best Diet For Fat Loss and Health

We have all heard of them, the grapefruit diet, the banana diet, the low carb diet, the low fat diet, the points diet, the high protein diet, the list goes on and on. But the question of the century is, what is the best diet to follow to lose stubborn belly fat and get head turning 6 pack abs that command attention? My standard answer is: NO DIET AT ALL.

Diets are not only impractical, they are also IMPOSSIBLE. In fact, diets are one of the biggest reasons people struggle to lose weight.

The worst part about fad diets is that most of them are either super restrictive, or they recommend eating way too much of one type of food. There is always something “technically wrong” with them. They are not based around achieving optimal health, but rather on achieving short term weight loss. Typically, any weight that you may lose on these types of diets usually comes right back within several days or weeks after stopping the diet. How annoying is that?

As cool and as flashy as they may seem, most fad diets have one thing in common, they are really popular for several years and then they fade away into diet obscurity.

When you begin a diet, you have failed on day one. Why? Because a diet is a short term solution to a long term problem. You see, most people that begin a new diet usually say something like, “I am going to lose 10 pounds in 30 days” or “I need to lose 5 pounds before such and such a date.” This temporary solution mindset is the reason so many people get on the ‘lose 10 pounds and gain it right back cycle’ and hop around from diet to diet forever.

A diet is not the solution. In order to burn fat over the long term and keep it off you must use a long term approach and that requires a long term mindset. My dietary approach to fat loss is basic and not too unrealistic and extreme. It is simple, to the point, and it is proven to work.

So what does this mean for you?

It means that if you want to be healthy and fit you need to end the vicious cycle of diet hopping and start eating foods that are whole, natural, and rich in nutrients.

It means that you should be eating a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats to keep your metabolism revved up and burning fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

So be sore to focus on eating nutritious foods that you enjoy, while at the same controlling calories. This type of strategy is not as hard to follow as you might think and it will definitely get you leaner, stronger, and healthier.

Now I am not saying that building an incredible physique isn’t challenging…because it is. What I am saying is that the blueprint for building a great body is not new, the formula is proven and has been around for centuries.

But what exactly should I eat?

Here are some delicious food suggestions that will help you stick to the fat loss plan.

Proteins – Chicken Breast, Whey Protein, Wild Alaskan Salmon, Bison Meat, Egg Whites, Turkey Breast, Top Round Steak, Tongol Tuna

Carbs / Whole Grains – Brown Rice, Yams, Oatmeal, Sweet Potatoes, Ezekiel Bread, 100% Whole Wheat Pasta, Multi Grain Hot Cereal (barley, rye, oats, etc)

Vegetables – Spinach, Zucchini, Onions, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Cucumbers, Peppers (red, green, yellow, orange), Asparagus

Healthy Fats – Flaxseed Oil, Olive Oil, Avocado, Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Flaxseeds

Fruits – Raspberries, Blueberries, Grapefruit, Apples, Cantaloupe, Peaches, Grapes, Pineapple, Strawberries, Oranges

Note: Dairy is not on the do-not-eat list and if you must have it I recommend eating some low or non fat yogurt, low or non fat cottage cheese, or low or non fat cheese.

I recommend eating at least 5 or 6 times per day so that means you will generally eat between 35 and 42 meals per week. To prevent you from going crazy and falling off of the “diet wagon” it is also important to take one or two meals per week and eat whatever you want. This is called a ‘cheat meal.’

Now many people unknowingly believe that cheat meals do them more harm than good, but there is a ton of evidence that proves that strategic cheating can, in fact, help you burn more fat and are very beneficial for weight loss.

So if you have are on a 6 meal per day plan and you have one cheat meal per week (41 healthy meals and 1 cheat meal) this means you have been 97% success ratio for sticking to the fat loss plan for that week. If you can keep your success ratio around 95% or higher each week it means you are right on track.

So is eating this way good for me?

Eating this way is great because you are lowering your risk for disease by promoting a natural alkaline environment within your body and also lowering your body fat at the same time. Talk about a great deal!

Consequently, if you follow a fad diet and your meals are lacking in nutrients, you will just end up spinning your wheels and increase your risk of disease because your body will be in an acidic environment from the lack of antioxidants, phyto nutrients, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs to remain in optimal health.

Without these nutrients your fat burning efforts will be in vain and your health will suffer as well.

So in summary, nutrition for fitness, fat loss, and health all work together to complete the big picture. Make sure you eat a wide variety of foods that are rich in nutrients, and low in overall calories. These types of foods are generally very healthy and are also proven to build muscle and burn fat. In the long run, you can permanently change your life and build the body of your dreams in the process just by making smarter food choices.

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Fat Loss Tips – Build Muscle, Lose Fat

Maybe you’ve heard this tip before and you find it hard to believe, or maybe this is completely new for you. “Build muscle, lose fat” – can it really be that simple? Yes actually, it can.

You see, muscles require more energy for your body to maintain. And anything that requires energy means your body has to burn calories and extra fat in order to generate that energy.

A body which is made up of too much fat will not use as much energy though, because fat takes much less energy for the body to maintain than muscle does. So by simply strengthening and toning your muscles, you can force your body to start burning off more fat at a faster rate.

Now, many women in particular worry about building muscle to lose fat. For some reason, when they hear they need to start building muscle, they worry that they’ll end up looking like some kind of female body builder. Bulky, huge, and alien looking instead of slim, trim, fit, and attractive.

The reality though, is that you do not have to become bulky with muscles in order to lose the fat. All you need to do is make your existing muscles stronger and more toned. In other words: Get those muscles healthier and more in shape.

Depending on how much extra body fat you have – and regardless of whether you have fat on your tummy, arms, legs, butt, or otherwise – your muscles may be quite weak and in bad shape overall. And the weaker or flabbier those muscles are, the less energy they make your body use. So by toning them and making them stronger, you are automatically causing your body to start burning off more of the fat in order to maintain the healthier muscles.

There are also many ways to tone and strengthen your muscles which will keep them lean and sleek looking instead of causing them to bulk up. Weight lifting and resistance training works quite well for example, if you do not work out with massive amounts of weight or resistance. Toning your muscles just requires small amounts of weight, whereas building and bulking the muscles is done with large amounts of weight or resistance.

Using 5 lb weights on your ankles while walking for instance, is an excellent way to start toning them without adding bulk.

If you don’t like weights or resistance training though, don’t despair. Other types of exercise which tone your muscles while keeping them quite sleek and beautiful include swimming, dancing, and running.

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Fat Loss Tips For Women

Women are more likely to carry extra weight around their middle than men – it’s a fact. This is especially true of women who have had children. Naturally, women carry the extra fat for one reason and one reason only, and that is so that they can sustain and nurture a pregnancy. The extra fat also acts as a protective layer around the baby to prevent damage to the fetus in case of a knock or fall.

Women are disadvantaged when it comes to winning the war on fat loss – take a man and a woman of similar size and weight and put them through the same diet and fitness program. Men will ALWAYS lose more than women, and this is because of our biological disadvantage in the weight loss department.

But, losing weight need not be hard. Here are some fat loss tips for women, especially to help them shift those muffin tops:

* decrease the amount of carbohydrates you are consuming. Cut down on bread, sugar, white flour,pasta, rice, potatoes

* decrease the amount of starchy carbs too – rice and bananas are a good example

* increase the amount of water you drink – aim for 8-10 glasses a day

* get into the habit of eating at least one carb free meal a day

* decrease the amount of fat in your diet – in processed food, look for food with less than 3g of fat per 100g (3% fat)

* increase the amount of fresh fruit and veg and cook healthy every time

* stick to fat free cooking methods such as boiling, steaming, roasting and grilling

* if you have to use fat, use an oil spray such as fry light

* stick to wholewheat and wholegrain carbs and small portions. Think one wholemeal bread slice instead of two slices of white bread and use low fat spread

* aim for at least 20 mins cardio three times a week – anything from a power walk to a swim

* do at least 3 weight training sessions a week – stick to weights in the region of 2-5lbs only

* walk more and use the car less

* take the stairs!

* drink green tea as much as possible in place of normal tea

As you can see, the above tips are quite simple, there is nothing complicated about them. A proper diet and fitness plan will have you well on your way to looking gorgeous in record time.

You do have to be dedicated and work at it though, and the occasional slip up will not wreck your efforts. Think of it like this, as long as you work at it 80% of the time, you can afford to have the odd day off. My personal advice is to do one of two things. Firstly, you could eat healthily all week and save yourself one day a week where you are allowed to eat what you like as long as a) you watch your portion size and b) you have a workout. This cheat day will then become something you look forward to as a treat for all the hard work.

Alternatively, you can schedule three cheat meals a week – you may decide you want a cheat breakfast on Sunday, and cheat lunch on Monday and a cheat dinner on Friday. This way you do not feel deprived, and you do not feel the need to cheat all the time. Just make sure you stick to small portions and workout, you will be fine.

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Best Fat Loss Diet – Following These 3 Steps Burns 10 Pounds Of Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

Losing fat is easy but ONLY if you have a solid plan. This article will show you exactly what you need to do to get rid of stubborn belly fat, as much as ten pounds in 2 weeks!

One of the major benefits of this fat burning plan is you will not feel hungry or tired at all during the process like other diets.

What this plan is not…

This is not low fat, no fat, restricted carbohydrate, or restricted calorie dieting nonsense. These types of diets are very short term solutions that destroy your metabolism and leave you tired, hungry and miserable.

Actually, this corporate market driven low fat diet craze will keep your body storing fat while you lose muscle. No wonder people quit after an average of 2 weeks.

The best fat loss diet is based on mainly 3 things:

First, you need to control blood sugar not count calories.

If you keep your blood sugar in the proper “zone” you have won the battle. It’s very simple, your appetite is dependent on fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

Big spikes in blood sugar from eating the wrong foods will actually signal your body to “store fat”. So control blood sugar first; forget about counting calories.

Second – Eliminate sugar and simple carbohydrates.

These foods cause huge spikes in blood glucose as we just described.

Once your blood sugar sky rockets your body will use the glucose in the sugar and carbs as an energy source first and will store the fat cells around your waist.

Third – You need to eat high protein, complex carbohydrates, and good fats. These foods will keep your metabolism burning and your energy level high.

Eating good fats like olive oil, avocado, nuts and coconut oil will keep appetite suppressed and your blood sugar in the “fat burning zone”.

These are the basic 3 concepts to burning fat. Don’t let the simplicity fool you this system works amazingly well.

I’ve deliberately simplified this process to make it easy to understand, yet these 3 steps are the backbone of the best fat loss diet.

If you’re serious about really burning fat PERMANENTLY, I urge you to take another step and watch the free information packed video that takes you step by step into this amazing fat loss process.

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Fat Loss Tips – Exercise To Lose Belly Fat

While you can exercise to lose belly fat, there isn’t a specific exercise you can do which will target just the belly fat in your body. In other words: You can’t spot target specific areas to lose fat from.

Exercising specific areas of your body will target those particular muscles of course, so you can tone, firm, strengthen and grow the muscles themselves. But targeting specific muscles or muscle groups won’t necessarily help you lose the extra fat from around those same muscles.

This is why doing tons of situps or crunches every day won’t usually help you lose belly fat. All it does is help firm and tone the muscles which are underneath of your belly fat instead. To actually lose the belly fat, you must do exercises which help your body burn fat in general.

Burning belly fat is done by burning fat on your body. Since you can’t just burn fat from one area, you must instead work at burning fat all over. And the best way to burn extra fat from all areas of your body, is by increasing your metabolism.

Increasing the body’s metabolism means that you’re improving the rate and efficiency at which your body burns extra fat, calories, and other fuels it gets from the foods you eat. A body with a high metabolism rate is burning fat and calories at a faster rate than one which has a slow metabolism. And in order to lose the belly fat you’ve put on over the years, you’ll get the best results from burning more fuel than you’re consuming.

If your body is not given enough fuel to cover the amount it’s using in your day to day activities, it starts burning the stored fat reserves instead. And once you’ve gotten your body to start burning those reserves, that’s when you’ll start noticing the belly fat disappearing.

Increasing your metabolism can be done through changes in the foods you eat, through exercise and physical activity, or both. Eating foods which your body must work at to digest for example, is one excellent way to boost your metabolism. Broccoli is a food for instance, which your body spends more energy digesting when you eat it raw, than it actually gives you in the form of calories.

So if you eat 40 calories worth of raw brocolli but it takes your body 80 calories worth of energy to digest it, then you’ve essentially given your body a negative calorie state, which boosted your metabolism a little at the same time. And since your body needs more calories to digest that food than what it’s getting from the food, it must find the source of energy somewhere else. One of the things already in your body which can be burned for fuel is the stored source of fat in your stomach area.

You can also lose belly fat by increasing your metabolism with exercise… and almost any kind of exercise can work. Building up your muscles helps because muscles take more energy for the body to maintain. In other words, your body will burn more fat just because you have extra muscle for it to take care of.

Bursts of activity are excellent for burning belly fat and boosting metabolism too though, because these cause your body to quickly use up any of it’s immediate fuel reserves from recent foods you’ve eaten. And once those immediate reserves are used then it has to start taking fat from the stores around your belly instead.

There are actually many forms of exercise to lose belly fat too. These can include interval training, playing sports, doing aerobics, hiking, walking, jogging, swimming, gardening, house cleaning and others you may not think of. We’ll cover several of those in future articles.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots – A Lose Weight Quick Guide

People love it when things are set in a platter in front of them to use and follow. That’s how they manage to stick to it and get results. This is the theory used by Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet program. They give people a ready made diet plan by generating meals for them in an 11-day cycle. And the result is absolutely amazing!

This diet or menu planner charts out meals and eating patterns for 11 days. You can lose weight quick in the first cycle itself. Some people see astounding results in just a week! The Fat Loss 4 Idiots also has some basic guidelines for weight loss which compliment the meal planner. It helps you shed all apprehensions about weight loss and gives you a fresh start in you endeavor. The guide is easy to follow and simply straight to the point. It does not give you any fancy jargon and technicalities of weight loss. The simplicity of this program is the main reason for its popularity. Lose weight quick guide is no more a scam. This actually works!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots tells you about how your eating habits should be, it also tells you some do’s and don’ts while on the diet plan. These pointers help you accomplish better results. it does not specify any particular exercise routine while on this program but it does recommend simple physical activities such as walking more, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and Yoga. This program does not involve starving, crash diets or vigorous exercise but still you can lose weight quick only because it revolves around metabolism rate of your body.

This program also points out why low-carb, low fat diets don’t work in the long run. They’ve given scientific explanations which clears out a lot of myth we have about carb and fat intake. Moreover it also explains why people find it difficult to stick to such rigorous weight loss programs. The number one reason being that most programs are monotonous! People don’t gather enough motivation to follow this program till the end.

If you want to lose weight quick the right way then Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the program for you. You will find yourself much lighter by the end of the first week and you will never get bored of this diet program. You can lose weight quick without worrying about gaining it back in the long run.

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Fat Loss Tips For Women

When it comes to fat loss for women, it can be a pretty unforgiving world indeed. Just about every magazine you pick up has some shapely starlet on the cover looking slim and toned in a beautiful designer gown, or one that’s featuring about how a popular actress must’ve gained a few pounds based on some recent unsightly photos taken of her. These body images that women are forced to endure on a regular basis can be harmful and  lead to unhealthy exercise and eating habits in some women who try to look like the Hollywood stars they see every day.

The key to effective and consistent fat loss for women, though, is less about eating less than it is about eating right and exercising. The goal is to get your body into a state in which it wants to burn fat on its own and make proper eating habits second nature for you. Below are some fat loss tips for women to make the journey to fat loss an easier one indeed.

Eat smaller, eat often-we’ve all heard about eating fewer meals more often throughout the day but what is behind this recommendation? Well, when your body is introduced to food it begins to work on processing it. Calories are actually burned during this process helping to kick the fat burning process into gear as well. If you starve yourself, your body will fight to maintain whatever body fat  it currently has and will become more efficient at turning the food it does receive into fat as it perceives it must do this in order for you to survive. Eating small meals more times throughout the day allows your body to continually work to burn calories thus speeding up the process of fat loss.

Skip the sugar, bring on the fat-this fat loss tip can be scary to some women, but if you check out the science behind it, then adopting this one may be truly helpful indeed. A diet that is high in fat and low in sugar can help induce your body into a state called ketosis, which simply means that your body is burning fat instead of other sources of energy. This will allow your body to burn the fat it does eat and in turn become more effective at burning your existing stores and using those for energy as well.

Bodybuilding for beauty-the fact is, muscle burns twice as many calories as fat but it takes up half the space. Fat molecules are not as dense as those of muscle so therefore two people could weigh the same exact weight and the one with more fat would appear much larger than the one with more muscle. Working out with weights and building muscle can be extremely helpful in your goal for fat loss. Don’t worry about looking too bulky as this is not likely to happen. Instead, your body will begin to burn your stores of fat while you increase your muscle mass and you will stay about the same size or even appear to get smaller even though your weight might be about the same as when you started. Adding more muscle to your frame is one of the easiest and most successful fat loss tips for women.

So if you’re looking to get into this year’s hot bikini and hit the beach, please pay attention to these re-fat loss tips for women. Eat 4 to 6 small meals throughout the day, remove as many sugars from your diet and instead focus on fats and proteins, and maintain a rigorous exercise program including weight training builds muscle and you will be well on your way to some serious fat loss.

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