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Eating Healthy When Others Don’t (or Won’t)

I posted earlier this month about the importance of preparation. With the holidays in full swing, I’ve been thinking a lot about the second part to success, which is community support and eating healthy when others don’t (or won’t).

Here are some tips to rally support at home (and avoid resistance):

The “DON’Ts”

  1. Don’t use words like “nutrition” and “healthy.” You’ll notice I rarely use these words (with the exception of today to make a point). They come with a stigma that isn’t fair to vegetables. If you are moving away from packaged food items, start talking about the ingredients themselves or what you’re going to make with them. Organic vegetables and conventional vegetables are still vegetables. Grass fed steak and conventional steak is still steak. You can change your buying habits without using these words.
  2. Don’t be overly vocal about the process. If you feel inspired to clean up your diet that’s great, feel empowered and take action; but also understand that people around you may not be in the same place and respect their food choices. There is no wrath like lecturing someone trying to enjoy a donut.
  3. Don’t overhaul your whole house. If you start throwing away someone’s favorite foods, it’s going to cause a conflict. Make a slow transition – start by buying high-quality versions of the favorites then maybe try an alternative version and gauge the response. The pantry is the hardest spot so I have a pantry guide below to help you.

The “DO’S”

  1. Pack your life with flavor. If you don’t call something “healthy,” no one will think twice if it’s delicious. Transitioning your life should be delicious and they’ll be begging for an encore.
  2. Enjoy a meal together at home. Shop together, cook together, experiment with new ingredients, and get feedback on the meal. Getting people involved and having fun will open the door to finding good go-to options that everyone is happy with.
  3. Start talking about your results. Live by example and reap the benefits. When you feel amazing and are outperforming yourself, talk about it! Be proud! Those around you will be happy for you and start asking questions which will open the door naturally.
  4. Find a community of like-minded people. If you don’t have the support you need at home, find a meet up group, group of friends, people at the gym, etc. that can swap recipes, brainstorm ideas, and hold you accountable to your health goals.

The most important DON’T:

Don’t assume! Don’t assume that those around you aren’t interested in what you’re trying to accomplish. If the above steps are getting a good response, ask them for their support and to join you on the journey.

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9 Switches for Better Nutrition

1. Dairy Milk for Nut Milk

There are so many alternatives to dairy milk today, that these alternatives are as available and accessible as the dairy options. If you switch from whole milk to, for example, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, you will get double the calcium and, depending on the brand, less than one quarter of the calories. Also, if you have an undiagnosed or undiscovered intolerance to dairy, this will offer you relief from that and make you feel fantastic.

2. Milk Chocolate for Dark

Swapping milk chocolate for dark, may be harder for some than others, but it will make a big difference if you are a regular chocolate eater like myself. Not only does dark chocolate have less sugar, more antioxidants and is less processed, but it is also richer in flavor and can satisfy your chocolate cravings faster.

3. Sugar for Xylitol

Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener. It is not artificial and can be processed by your body. Many low or no calorie sweeteners are chemically formulated and cannot be processed by your body. These sweeteners can actually be worse for you than sugar itself. However, Xylitol is a natural and delicious sweetener that can be used as a direct substitute for sugar, it has less calories and is sweeter so you use less.

4. Sugary Soda for Herbal Tea or Infused Water

This is probably one of the most obvious and most talked about switch. However, it is one of the most difficult for people because they are conditioned to the convenience of pre-prepared sugary drinks. Yes, making herbal tea or infused water does take extra time and effort, however, you can make it ahead in large batches and keep it in your fridge so it is readily available. There are also several, delicious combinations that you can make and experiment with to keep things interesting.

5. White Rice for Black Rice

White rice is a simple carb that lacks nutrients. However, black rice is full of antioxidants and goodness to nourish your body. The color of black rice is also amazing and it has an awesome, natural nutty flavor.

6. Pasta for Vegetable Pasta

Weather it spaghetti, spirals or couscous, there is a vegetable substitute for it. The best substitute for spaghetti is zucchini or shitake noodles. For couscous, try finely chopping cauliflower. Other alternatives to pasta products can include black bean spaghetti, chick peas, quinoa, carrot and beetroot. These alternatives have more nutrients, less carbs and are less processed than the pasta you get out of a packet.

7. Flavored Yoghurt for Plain

Flavored yoghurt contains a lot of sugar and is highly processed. There are several plain yoghurts that have no added sweeteners and that are minimally processed. An easy way to get flavored yoghurt without all the nasties is to get the plain stuff and add a natural sweetener and/or whatever fruit you like to it. Not only will this make the flavors more delicious, it will also add freshness and texture.

8. Energy Drinks for Tea or Coffee

Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine and sugar. Many also contain other artificial flavors, colors, preservatives and sweeteners. Energy drinks are one of the worst drinks available on the market and have several, proven, health consequences. If you need a pick-me-up, it is just as effective to have a cup of coffee or tea that has caffeine in it to keep you going. You could also opt for some fresh fruit or iced water to help you re-focus.

9. Packaged Condiments for Home-Made Versions

Packaged condiments often have many added, unnecessary ingredients and are highly refined. With thousands of recipes readily available online, it is now easier than ever to create your own condiments with less additives and more goodness. By making your own condiments, you should be able to get more flavor, more variety, less additives, less calories and know exactly what is in your food.

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Diet In A Glass

Non-prescription liquid diets seem to be everywhere. In supermarkets, in pharmacies, in health-food stores and by mail order, powder and premixed liquid formulas can be purchase for far less than the cost of a formula available by prescription only. For instance, Slim-Fast costs less than $1 per serving compared with the typical $100-per-week cost of a medically supervised very-low-calorie liquid diet. And over-the-counter liquid diets are convenient: There are no appointments to keep, no counselling sessions to honor. You’re on your own from start to finish, armed only with manufacturer’s instructions on how to substitute the low-calorie, milk-shake-like formula for one or two meals a day, eat sparingly and exercise in order to lose weight.

If you’re disciplined and follow directions, an unsupervised formula diet can be helpful weight-loss tool, especially if you don’t want to take the time – or don’t know how – to plan and prepare low-calorie “real food” meals that meet basic nutritional requirements.

A Step in the Right Direction

Today’s formulas are a big improvement over those available decades ago. Dietitians and doctors agree that the liquid diets of the 1970’s were dangerous. Their major shortcomings were the ingredients: The protein was of poor quality, and essential minerals such as potassium, which enables the heart muscle to function properly, were missing, as were carbohydrates. A deficiency of the latter can force the body to rely on fat and protein for energy, which can lead to ketosis (an increase in ketones in the body characterized by dizziness and electrolyte imbalance). This promotes weight loss through the elimination of water, but puts stress on the heart and kidneys and in severe cases can lead to death. The fact that people did die while on these diets led to the products’ removal from stores.

Liquid diets now on the market are much more carefully formulated. They include complete proteins (with all the amino acids needed for good health), carbohydrates and fat, and they are supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Over-the-counter formulas are not meant to be total food substitutes, which distinguish them from the medically supervised prescription diets targeted to the severely overweight. The purchaser is instructed to eat at least one low-calorie, real-food meal daily and substitute the formula for the other meals, for a total daily intake of 1,000 to 1,200 calories. In some instances, dieters are also advised to eat fiber-rich foods or take multivitamins.

Just Follow Instructions

“There’s no magic to these formulas,” says Robyn Flipse, a registered dietitian who has a private nutrition-counselling practice in Ocean, New Jersey. “They don’t melt pounds away. You lose weight because of the low number of calories you are taking in.”

The plans can be convenient for people who want to lose a moderate amount of weight – five to 40 pounds, depending on overall weight and body fat – says Dr. Peter Wood, who helped formulate the California Diet, a drink available in department stores. Wood, a professor of medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, California, believes “this kind of diet works because it tastes good, you don’t feel deprived because it includes plenty of carbohydrates [an important source of energy] and it has the recommended daily amounts of balanced nutrients for good health. It also contains fiber, which produces bulk in the stomach and provides a pleasant feeling of satiety.” Wood claims the formulas are a boon for busy people who can’t take time to see a dietitian or calculate nutrients and calories.

“These liquid diets are not only convenient, but because the dessert-like flavor and texture are so pleasurable, they make people feel more satisfied than an ordinary low-calorie diet does,” adds Dr. George Blackburn, an associate professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School and chief of the nutrition/metabolism laboratory at the Cancer Research Institute at New England Deaconess Hospital.

Who’s Keeping Tabs?

Nonetheless, these diets are controversial. Lack of supervision is the first objection raised by dietitians. “People who need to lose 20 percent or more of body weight or who have a preexisting medical problem should have a physical exam before they go on one of these diets,” says Flipse. “It would probably include an electrocardiogram to ensure that the electrical workings of the heart muscle are normal and a complete blood count to check that there’s no mineral deficiency that can be worsened by dieting, harming the heart. People tend not to take these precautions on an unsupervised diet.”

Flipse also maintain that the lack of supervision makes it easy to abuse the diets. “Even people in closely monitored hospital programs sometimes have to stop dieting or modify their diets because of irregular heartbeat, kidney problems or gout,” she says. “Some bodies can’t tolerate a severe method of weight loss or a drastic change in eating habits.” In addition, the diets are off-limits to pregnant or nursing women and people with kidney, heart or liver problems. While the accompanying literature usually cautions such individuals to consult a physician before starting a weight-loss program, some experts feel the point is not made strongly enough – and, again, that the potential for abuse is high.

Blackburn emphasizes that the real value of the new liquid diets is weight maintenance; their use for weight loss requires monitoring. Caloric restriction may affect various bodily systems – blood pressure, heart rate, digestion and endocrine function are likely to change after losses of 10 percent or more of body weight. After each 10 percent drop, Blackburn advises that you visit your doctor for a checkup.

Finally, experts worry about the tendency to overdo formula diets. “People may feel that if a little calorie cutting is good, more is better,” says Marianne Gibbons, a registered dietitian with the Harvard Community Health Plan in Brookline, Massachusetts. “But going below a thousand calories a day for an adult – without medical supervision – can be dangerous. You can lose a significant amount of muscle tissue, not just fat. “

What most consumers are interested in, however, is whether these pals keep pounds off over the long term. “Sure, you’ll lose weight. But as with any unsupervised, low-calorie diet, chances are you’ll regain as soon as you go off the formula and back to the eating habits that may have caused you to be overweight in the first place,” says Melanie R. Polk, a registered dietitian and consulting nutritionist in West Hartford, Connecticut.

Even those who recommend liquid formulas believe that for permanent weight loss, dieters must change bad habits. “Some people walk away when you tell them a liquid diet won’t work by itself,” says Wood. “But if you’re overweight, you have to change your behavior – eat less, exercise more. Nothing you can consume will take off pounds or offset other things you eat.”

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Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms: Know Your Body

Understanding Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms is important to help you prevent long-term neurological effects and damages from a lack of Vitamin B12. By catching symptoms early, it’s possible to alter your diet or begin taking vitamins and nutritional supplements to prevent a Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms can be very similar to many other ailments; hence the need to monitor them closely and listen to what your body is telling you. If you notice any of these symptoms and believe it is caused from a nutritional imbalance, check with your doctor or healthcare provider soon. Long-term neurological damages could occur otherwise.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms:

  • Lack of energy
  • Fatigue
  • Quick exhaustion during exercise
  • Light headed when getting up from a bed or chair
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lack of appetite
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea (in conjunction with other complications and factors)
  • Pale skin
  • White patches on the skin (typically small and grouped together)
  • Problems focusing on a task (i.e. reading, working, hobbies)
  • Confusion
  • Dementia (in more severe and prolonged cases)
  • Depression
  • Lack of balance
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation in hands or feet
  • Swollen tongue (usually accompanied with redness)
  • Bleeding gums

Because these are common symptoms shared with other problems, it helps to know your diet and normal body status. Vitamin B12 is naturally included in meat, shellfish, poultry eggs and dairy products and is absorbed through the small intestines with help from proteins made in the stomach. People that do not eat a lot of these foods are more susceptible to Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms. Vegetarians and vegans are more at risk due to their lack of food sources from animals. Other risk groups include people with intestine surgeries or intestine problems like Celiac disease or Chron’s disease. These diseases prevent the natural absorption of Vitamin B12 into the bloodstream.

Excellent sources of Vitamin B12 for those with deficiencies include nutritional supplements and fortified cereals and grains.

Please contact your doctor or health care professional if you are experiencing any of these Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms.

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Maintaining Good Skin Integrity In The Elderly And Immobile

As we age it becomes more important that we pay closer attention to our skin. For right now I will put emphasis on the elderly and the immobile. Their skin can be extremely fragile, but there are a few things you can do to help maintain good skin integrity and prevent skin breakdown. Immobilization can be a major obstacle when trying to maintain good skin integrity. The most important thing to remember in your immobile population is that it is extremely important to make sure that they are turned a minimum of once every two hours. Be aware of the fact while turning an immobile person, that rubbing and friction to the skin during repositioning can also impair the skin, so be careful during your turns. The first turn can be to the left or the right side. Alternate left and right turns with the person laying on their back. To help you remember the last position used you should document your position changes in a turn log.

It is also very important to keep the heels elevated off of the bed. A pillow can be used for this, even two. Foot drop can be avoided by positioning a pillow against the soles of the feet. This keeps the feet from falling forward. Be sure to massage (if no redness is present) and exercise the feet and upper extremities daily by flexing them; this can prevent or decrease muscle atrophy (wasting or loss of muscle tissue). For those with less fat tissue who have bony areas use a pillow between the knees or under the hip area.

I have to tell you that it doesn’t take long for the skin to become compromised after a person has been in one position for too long. The skin could look perfectly fine from the outside, but then once it breaks you could possibly have deterioration down to the muscle, opening the person up for infection. They could even become septic (infection in the blood stream.) I have seen patients come into the hospital with non stageable pressure ulcers, and it only took a week for their skin to get in that condition.

Make sure the skin stays clean. Be prompt after soiling in cleaning the area and always moisturize the skin, especially dry skin. Moisturizers rich in vitamin E and aloe are recommended. Your older population can have extremely fragile skin to the point of being paper thin, so during skin care be very careful.

Most people don’t realize that diet can play a very important role in tissue regeneration. In the hospital setting patients with impaired skin integrity are immediately put on a high protein diet ( Important for the growth and repair of tissue cells.)

The following supplements should also be added to the diet:

Vitamin C : This helps to prevent free radical production which could inhibit healing.

Arginine : Promotes collagen synthesis for new skin. It also increases the blood flow to the wound and may help to fight off infection.

Vitamin B12 : Aids in wound healing and tissue repair.

Zinc : Required for tissue regeneration and repair (BUT could also suppress the function of the immune System.)

Look for foods rich in these supplements and add them to the diet. If I was going to put emphasis on one thing it would be the protein. Finally, inspect the skin daily. This could be done during the time that you do your turns and also during soil changes. Document the condition of the skin on a skin log. Anything different that you notice should be documented on the log. Look for any signs of possible breakdown, which may include a redness that doesn’t go away once position is changed and pressure is removed from the area. Also be suspicious of open or blistered skin. Should you notice these or any sign suggestive of skin breakdown, immediately take pressure off of the area and keep it clean of urine and feces. If the skin is broken seek medical advice to obtain the best possible treatment to heal the ulcer. If there is redness do not massage the area. If you notice a progression seek medical advice for prompt treatment.

Any problems can be avoided if turns are done with diligence. Remember…..every two hours! Visit for more information concerning turn and skin logs.

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Lose 2 Stone in a Month – How to Lose 30 Pounds in 1 Month

What is the most effective way to lose 2 stone in a month? Calorie shifting of course, as it’s the only diet proven to not suffer from a rebound effect and best of all you will continue to lose weight from this diet even after you stop. There’s no starving, in fact its required that you eat frequently to achieve the greatest results. Find out how to burn 2 stone off in 1 month.

Eating to Lose Weight

It might come as a surprise that eating food is actually the most effective way to lose weight, but its no joke. You see when you eat on a calorie restricted diet your metabolism actually slows down as well, this is all a part of the homeostasis your body is constantly striving for. As a result of this when you stop a low calorie diet you are actually left with a slower metabolism and will find that you have to do more work to build your metabolism back up to a normal level. The opposite is true however if you eat a diet that is just enough every day to trigger your metabolism but varies enough as well to never let your body find its comfort zone you will continually burn off calories by eating.

Calorie Shifting Keeps the Weight Off!

Unlike all other diets, when you finish a calorie shifting program, your metabolism is literally supercharged and will be stimulated any time you eat for weeks following the diet. Oddly enough this is the exact opposite of what happens with most other diets as they will put the pounds back on, calorie shifting will keep them coming off for weeks because of its unique approach to weight loss.

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Master Cleanse Weight Loss Solution For Teens

The alarming percentage of overweight and obesity in teens has caused nations around the world to take a serious look at what we are eating and the effect on our lives. For most teens, diets are not recommended as young people need a certain amount of a nutritional balanced diet to grow and develop their body and their brains. Yet with the growing concern there is a solution to safe and healthy weight loss for teens. Master cleanse detox diet can offer your teen a quick and easy way to not only lose weight but to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and chemicals found in fast foods, junk foods and processed meals that teens can be eating all day.

Master cleanse is a formula that requires drinking a large glass of a special fusion of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and pure filtered water taken at least 10 to 12 times each day over a very short period of time. This is a detox plan that a teen can afford to take for 3 days or less and see result fast. Most adults will have problems taking the master cleanse formula to cleanse their organs and restore their health for that long so a teen could take this regime for one day and every other day.

It is essential that an overweight teen be committed to stay away from their regular dietary choice of foods and start to incorporate freshly squeezed fruit juices, raw vegetables, and fresh fruit during the master cleanse diet plan. Under close supervision of their parent or guardian, an unhappy overweight teen can see their self esteem begin to increase, substantial weight loss of up to 2 pounds a day and restore their body to a natural balance of health and wellness. Another benefit that teens will experience is the all too common problem of acne will disappear as their body will hydrate and flush away the fat deposits and toxins that can cause acne, skin inflammations and irritations. Master cleanse detox diet for teens with weight challenges will also experience increased levels of energy and eliminate fatigue and sluggishness. By gaining more energy, teens will want to be more engage in all they need to do to be their best.

It is also recommended that light exercise such as walking, yoga, or swimming be used to keep active and ensure their success. With your help and guidance as a parent or guardian, you can encourage your teen to take control of their life by taking action in dealing with their problems in losing weight.

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For Weight Loss: If You Could Only Pick One

Nothing about weight loss has changed since the beginning of time! The road to a healthy weight has always been the Second Law of Thermodynamics;

Calories in – Calories out = Calories accumulated.

To put it simply, to lose weight you need to eat less, exercise more or both. What if you could only use one method. There are many eating/diet plans, and good ones, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, just to name a few. On the exercise side some of the most famous, or infamous exercise programs include P90X and Insanity. All of these programs are effective in their own right, but if you had to choose one direction, which way should you go?

The answer is perfectly clear. If you could choose exercise or diet, you should choose diet. I say this with the utmost confidence. And this is coming from the mouth of a lifetime fitness fanatic and a strength and conditioning coach. Why do I say this with so much confidence? That’s easy! It is extremely difficult to out exercise your diet! Let me give you a couple vivid examples.

If you had an 140 lb woman, and she ate two pieces of cheese pizza and a piece of cheese cake, that would be a total of 955 calories. In order to burn that off, she would have to run 10 minute miles for 1.5 hours! In the height of my running days as a young man I couldn’t do that and I highly doubt you could either.

Here’s another vivid example of this. According to Malia Frey, a weight loss expert writing on About Health, dropping a daily large cola from McDonald’s completely (if you drink about one per day) would result in reducing your annual calorie intake by over 200,000 calories – or about 60 pounds – in one year. Replace that soda with water and overcome obesity. That’s just one large soda. For the same 140 lb woman to burn the same amount of calories, she would have to run 1.5 miles in 16 minutes, EVERY DAY! Wouldn’t be easier just not to drink the soda and have a glass of water instead?

Fortunately, we don’t have to pick one. We can incorporate both a healthy meal plan and exercise in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Experts say that the contribution is 75% nutrition and 25% exercise. I will talk about both in future articles.

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Ancient Sumer – Food Habits

Sumerians were the first culture to quit hunting and gathering food and begin cultivation. Like many other inventions that Sumerian culture gave to the world, they also contributed in farming and food. Sumerian food consisted mainly of barley.

The raw material of most of Sumerian food was barley, barley cakes and barley paste were accompaniments of all major meals. Wheat and millet were other raw materials used in Sumerian food. Farming yielded vegetables and fruits, chickpeas, lentils, beans, onion, garlic, leeks, cucumbers, cress, mustard and fresh green lettuce was all part of the early Sumerian food. Sumerians were the first culture to settle down and leave the earlier nomad lifestyle. With settlement they began domesticating animals for food and labor. Goat’s milk and meat, eggs, pig; wild fowl, deer and venison were an integral part of the Sumerian’s food as well.

Everyday Sumerian food was probably barley cakes with onions and beans washed down with barley ale. Fish that swarmed in the rivers of Mesopotamia were a major food source too. Over fifty different types of fish are mentioned in the early texts dating before 2300 BC and the fried fish vendors had a thriving trade in the city of Ur. Food stalls also sold onions, cucumbers, freshly grilled goat, mutton and pork. Meat was more popular and common in big cities as compared to sparsely populated towns as they would spoil in the heat. Cattle were only slaughtered for consumption when they were nearly at the end of their working lives.

Information about Sumerian food can be gathered from archaeology and written records on cuneiform tablets. These sources also indicated the importance of barley and wheat cakes as the staple diet together with grain and legume soups, onion, leeks, garlic and melon. Besides farmed vegetables, Sumerian food also included fruits. These were apples, fig and grapes. Several culinary herbs and honey and cheese, butter and vegetable oil have also been mentioned in later Sumerian food records. Sumerians drank beer often and sometimes wine too. Preservation of foodstuff had also been evolved with meats being salted and fruits conserved in honey. Various other fruits including apples were dried to preserve them and a fermented cause is also mentioned in the Akkadian texts.

Rice and corn was unknown in ancient Mesopotamia, thus barley and its flour was the staple Sumerian food. Their bread was coarse, flat and unleavened, though an expensive version was made out of finer flour. Pieces of this bread were found in the tomb of Queen Puabi of Ur, left there for sustenance in afterlife. Breads were enhanced with butter, milk and cheese, sesame seeds and even fruits and their juices. Later records show truffles being made as well. With the advent of irrigation canals lush fruit and vegetable farms with fruits like mulberries, pears, plum, cherries and pomegranates were found in abundance. The most important food crop in southern Mesopotamia was the date palm. Goats, cows and ewe were domesticated for milk; geese and ducks for eggs and some 50 varieties of fish were a staple Sumerian food. Meats were cooked by roasting, boiling, barbecuing or broiling and preserved by drying, smoking or salting. 

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Go for Depo Provera Detox and You Will Love it

Many tragic incidents have been quoted about the women who received a progesterone shot known as Depo Provera detox for birth control. This synthetic progesterone was made available in the market in the early nineteen nineties. One injection was effective for three months. It acted in two different ways; firstly it suppressed ovulation i.e. release of egg from the ovary of the recipient women. Secondly it acted by increasing the viscosity of the mucus present in the cervix so as to block the passage of sperm through the cervix, up to the uterus and to the fallopian tubes.

It soon lost the favors as the undesired effects became more and more noticeable. Some of the unwanted effects are abnormal weight gain, flaring up of acne and some other skin lesions and loss of scalp hair further lead to psychiatric problems that included undesired mood changes such as irritability, paranoid symptoms and mood sinking culminating in depressive illness.

Some ladies were wise to stop using this method of birth control on noticing the unwanted effects. But the progesterone that had already entered the body was to stay there. Also some effects were such, as could not be reversed even after the stoppage of injections.

Scope for Depo Provera Detox:

Depo Provera Detox is a specially designed detox program for the unfortunate victims who have received this synthetic hormone and want to get rid of the continuing harmful effects.

What is a Depo Provera Detox?

Depo Provera Detox plan consists of the following

a) Liberal water intake. This is an important component of all diet detox programs especially Depo Provera Detox.

b) Consuming fresh vegetables and fruits and their juices

c) Taking herbal teas that cleanse the body

d) A sauna session and physical exercise in fresh air

All these things will help in renewing the body vigor and energy and one would be able to live a better natural life.

When to start Depo Provera Detox:

Depo Provera Detox should be done after giving sometime to the body for its own natural healing. Depo Provera Detox should be considered as an air to the body’s natural revitalizing mechanisms. Depo Provera Detox may also be aided by acupuncture and acupressure to stimulate the adrenal glands of the body. It should be remembered that those women who have received the hormone for longer periods need to undergo detoxification diets like Depo Provera Detox for longer time.

Avoid in Future

Fiddling with natural mechanism of body always result in disaster in both sexes. One should avoid inflicting the body with the synthetic stuff available in the market and always go with the nature. In most of the cases deviating from the nature by use of Depo Provera victims is sure.

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