Archive | Building Muscle

Eat Your Way to a Bigger Penis – Foods For Penis Enlargement

Millions of men worldwide are looking for the perfect way to increase their penis sizes. Many products have surfaced, including pills, extenders, exercises and even pumps, all promising you a BIGGER and THICKER penis. However, many men end up disappointed because they are getting poor, or worse yet, no results.

The only effective ways are actually through penis enlargement exercises and surgeries.

Do you know that you can further help your penis to grow even longer and thicker by eating right?

Foods that promote blood circulation

You can increase the blood circulation to your penis by eating foods such as salmon, nuts and fruits. Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for a healthy heart. Nuts contain vitamin B3 which is good for blood circulation. Fruits such as oranges are rich in vitamin C & bioflavonoids which promote blood flow while watermelons contain lycopene which prevents a buildup of plaque in our arteries.

Muscle-Building Foods

You know that the penis is made up of essentially muscles and you would need to pack on a lot of proteins to see any significant growth. Go for white meats such as fish and chicken. You can also eat foods such as egg whites, milk, cheese, yogurt, beancurds, etc.

Herbs for higher sex drive

Some herbs are known to increase your sex stamina and you need them as well. They are good for blood circulation. Horny goat weed has aphrodisiac properties and it has been proven to increase sex drive. Cordyceps improves sexual function by increasing the production of sex hormones. Ginseng can increase your energy levels and has been used extensively in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. Exercise caution when taking them. Not everyone is suited to ingest them.

Foods that promote sex drive

We have heard that there are some foods that do increase your stamina. Seafood is a good example. It is rich in phosphorus, which has been proven effective in increasing your libido. It is also rich in zinc which is necessary for the production of the testosterone. Go for prawns, crabs and oysters! Like any other foods, eat them in moderation.

By eating the right foods, you can promote better sexual health. However, this is not sufficient. You need to do these penis exercises as well for maximum effects!

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Bowflex Workouts – Six Tips to Get a Bowflex Body

If you have been shopping around for a Bowflex then you might want to know the truth about the Bowflex workouts. Can you really build a muscular ripped body using a Bowflex home gym?

As a personal trainer I have tried just about every piece of exercise equipment and home gym on the market today. You will find in this article is what I consider to be the very best Bowflex workouts and as they claim “For Real Results!”

Here’s a list of equipment you will need to have a mind blowing Bowflex workout.

1. Of course, you’ll need a Bowflex home gym

2. A clock or timer to keep track of your rest interval.

3. A notebook or workout log to keep track of your sets and repetitions and exercises

4. Your workout schedule will be 3 to 4 times a week on nonconsecutive days.

5. You will perform 8 to 12 repetitions per set.

How To do your Bowflex Workouts:

1. Select a resistance that you can perform at least 12 sets with.

2. Rest for the more than minute between exercise..

3. Watch resting between exercises record resistance and the repetitions you performed

4. Use this Bowflex workouts routine for 6 to 8 weeks.

If you would use discipline, a smart diet and perform a cardiovascular workout four times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes you will notice a change in your body. You will begin to look more muscular and leaner.

In time at all, you’ll be able to show off your new muscular and ripped Bowflex body. muscular look. You’ll be able to show off our new muscles in as little as 6 weeks if you complete this program.

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How to Build Super Strength

Legendary strongman George F. Jowett had a very specific understanding of what it took to build strength. He understood that muscular strength alone did not make someone super strong. He knew that not only do you have to build the muscles, but you have to strengthen the ligaments and tendons that connect and support those muscles. He said that without building “the sinews” a man was only half trained.

He wrote a correspondence course titled How to Achieve Nerves of Steel, Muscles Like Iron. In it, he said that with proper training, the ligaments- “those tremendously powerful cables which support your muscles in giant contraction”- when required in demonstrations of physical resistance would “become powerfully anchored to bone and muscle like the steel cable of a giant derrick”.

He knew that there were thousands of weight lifters out there with strong looking muscles who were not as strong as they looked and could not equal others of the same or lesser size in strength tests.

He asked a simple question. “What is strength?” To answer this he stated, “Strength is not so much the size of the muscle as it is the quality of the muscle. The strength of your muscles depends as much upon the power of the muscular cables as upon the quality of the muscular tissue.” He added, “Strong muscles must have strong attachments.”

He said that stronger tendons led to stronger muscles. You had to strengthen and thicken the ligaments which would lead to thicker and stronger muscles. The best way to build tendon and ligament strength was through heavy support work in basic exercises like squats, presses, and dead lifts. All you need is a power rack and a barbell.

An example of a program using heavy support work is as follows. This is a three day a week program consisting of dead lifts, bench press lock outs, and heavy partial curls on day one, quarter squats, standing press lock outs, and power holds (where you stand in the top position of the dead lift) on day two. The simple process of holding a heavy barbell for 10 seconds will build incredible strength. On day three you repeat day one. The following week you start with your day two workout and continue to alternate. A word of caution, only do bench press lockouts or any other exercise where you are under a very heavy barbell in a power rack.

Follow this program for two or three months and then go back to your regular routine, but always include some support work. If you continue to use heavy support your tendons and ligaments will thicken and strengthen and you WILL develop power and strength that will make you more efficient in any physical activity you undertake.

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Abdominal Muscles Strength Test Using 7 Simple Ab Exercises

Most people wants a six pack, flat stomach, a ripped abs, a washboard abs. All these phrases actually mean that same thing, which is a flat stomach spotting nicely toned and cut abdominal muscles.

However, how many of you have tried all the latest abs exercise machine and ab exercise dvd but to no avail? Have you tried doing 100 abdominal exercises daily or top 10 diets but still no difference in your abs?

If you’ve given up hope and resigned to the fate that you’re going to have a big waistline forever, don’t. The fact is everyone can have a six pack abs and the reason that you are not getting it yet is because you are doing it all wrong. In other words, you are not doing ab exercises right and you are not eating right.

If your abs workout routines are not correct you may end up training the wrong group of abdominal muscles. Before you start doing abdominal exercises, it is advisable to start by testing your abdominal strength and learns more about your abs anatomy.

There are many tests available to measure the function of the abdominal muscles. Testing the abdominal strength and abdominal endurance is important because it is an indicator of core strength and, thus the core stability and support of lower back.

The abdominal strength tests are intended to test the abdominal muscles ability to function optimally and hold a correct position under increasing difficulty. The abdominal endurance tests are intended to test the ability of the abdominal muscles to perform repeated abs curls in a set time (e.g. 60 seconds) or a set rate.

Abs strength test is not about doing repeated sit-ups but requires you to do sit-ups of increasing difficulty. The 7-stage test is one of such test. There are 8 levels, level 0 to 7, in the 7-stage test, with difficulties ranging from very poor to elite. The higher the level where you can complete the sit-up correctly, the stronger is your abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back with your knees at right angles and feet flat on the floor. For each level prescribed, attempt to perform one complete sit-up, starting with level 1. Each level is achieved if a single sit up is performed in the prescribed manner, without the feet coming off the floor. As many attempts as necessary can be made. So do the following simple tests to find out how powerful is your abdominal muscles now.

Level 0 – if you cannot perform level 1. Your score is Very Poor.

Level 1 – can do sit-up with arms extended, the athlete curls up so that the wrists reach the knees. Your score is Poor.

Level 2 – can do sit-up with arms extended, the athlete curls up so that the elbows reach the knees. Your score is Fair.

Level 3 – can do sit-up with the arms held together across abdominals, the athletes curls up so that the chest touches the thighs. Your score is Average.

Level 4 – can do sit-up with the arms held across chest, holding the opposite shoulders, the athlete curls up so that the forearms touch the thighs. Your score is rated Good

Level 5 – can do sit-up with the hands held behind head, the athlete curls up so that the chest touches the thighs. Your score is Very Good.

Level 6 – can do sit-up as per level 5, with a 5 lb (2.5 kg) weight held behind head, chest touching the thighs. Your score is Excellent. Well done!

Level 7 – can do sit-up as per level 5, with a 10 lb (5 kg) weight held behind head, chest touching the thighs. You’re rated as an Elite. Congrats!

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Female Body Types Explained: How to Go From Mesomorph to Hourglass

On your quest to get an hourglass figure, you may find that in spite of your hard work, you’re not getting the results you want. Annoying, isn’t it? Have you considered the effect your body type may be having on your progress? If not, you should. Your body type and shape can affect whether or not you’re getting the most out of your body transformation journey. And if you’re a mesomorph, correcting your habits may lead to drastic improvement in results.

Mesomorph women are well proportioned all over. Equipped with strong bones, broad hips and shoulders and thick thighs, mesomorph body types store fat evenly throughout their bodies. Mesomorph body types may already be blessed with curves, but some need a little help to get an hourglass figure.

As a mesomorph, your body is beautiful, thick and muscular. You’re blessed to have a well-defined upper body, and if you’re really lucky, a tight midsection. Athletic in appearance, you body responds best to weight training.

For fast, effective weight loss and strength training, you should try powerful HIIT (high intensity interval training) exercises such as kettlebells, or at-home fitness programs like INSANITY or P90X. Strength-building programs like these transform your metabolism into a fat incinerator and build lean, toned muscle that makes you look strong yet feminine.

If you’re not blessed with a juicy butt, you’ll have to do exercises specifically tailored to help you build up your gluteal muscles. Hip thrusts and butt bridges using moderate to heavy weight loads that increase regularly are the two best exercises for helping you build a bigger butt. Also, consider buying bodybuilder Pauline Nordin’s bestselling Butt Bible Workout, which contains strength and bodybuilding exercises for women like you who want a tight, round butt.

Now as you know, for best results, every strong fitness program needs to be supported by an exceptional eating plan. As a mesomorph, you burn fat faster than your endomorph sisters, but burn fat slower than your ectomorph ones. Eating whatever you want is not part of your nutritional regimen.

Eat moderately and regularly, maxing your protein intake at no more than 30 to 40 percent of your caloric intake. Protein is important for helping you build muscles. A rule of thumb is to break down your diet as follows: 40 percent protein, 40 percent carbs and 20 percent fat. Stick to your diet 80 percent of the time, allowing no more than 20 percent deviance to indulge every once in a while.

Last but not least, if your mesomorph midsection is flat, but your waist is not as small as you’d want it to be, consider corset training. Waist training with a corset made to help you reduce inches in your love handles. As a result you can get a smaller waist – and get an hourglass figure that makes everyone stop and stare.

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Bodylastics Workout – 3 Crucial Elements to Get Muscle Building Results Fast

I find it very funny when a person thinks that they can’t get results from a Bodylastics workout. I’ve seen and read a few comments from people, such as… “Oh Those Resistance Bands Won’t Get Me Any Muscle Building Results, Only Free Weights or a Home Gym Will.”

These type of statements are false and misleading. It seems that these individuals have been brainwashed or are acting just like robots. They will only do what they’re told and won’t try anything new. All the hype on the Internet and on TV saying, “This home gym will give you amazing results in as little as 3 days.”

People here this and they say well, it must be true they’re saying it. They pitch it as though their product is the only way to achieve bodybuilding results. It’s a dirty shame.

The truth is, no matter how you exercise, you will get results. There are certain things that you must do though, in order to make sure that you get the proper results you want from your workouts. To achieve proper muscle growth, you must follow these key principles.

Key Elements to a Bodylastics Workout Or Any Muscle Building Program

Proper Rest:

Your muscles don’t grow while you’re working out you’re actually tearing muscle fiber. Muscle grows while you are asleep; the body releases “growth hormone”, which aids in the growth of muscle. This is why it is extremely important to get at least eight hours of sleep every night especially if you’re following an intense workout program.

Progressive Resistance:

All that this means is that each time you workout, you add a little more weight than last time. This is one of the main issues with exercises such as push-ups; backspace. In this type of body weight workout, you’re only using your own body’s weight as resistance. Consequently, the more push-ups you perform the less you are impacting the strength building and muscle building properties of your body.

High repetition bodyweight exercises are great for building muscular endurance however; they do nothing to increase muscular size or greater strength.

Proper Nutrition:

In addition to getting adequate rest, you must feed your body in order for it to grow. I love it when I see on TV, you can still diet and become muscular and lean at the same time. It’s an oxymoron.

So that’s what I was originally talking about, “Can a Bodylastics Workout Get You Results.”

It seems so silly to me that this is even discussed. The answer is, of course you can. How big you get is based on how much you workout, how many calories you consume and if you get proper rest.

You can grow muscle with resistance bands workouts just as well as free weights, Bowflex or any other home gym. In fact, there are some exercises that are done better with resistance bands; however, we will discuss that at a later date.

If you are currently using free weights, dumbbells or even the P90X workout you may want to incorporate some of the tips that you have read about in this article into your exercise routine. If you are using resistance bands, then take the ideas presented in this Bodylastics workout article and you’ll quickly see the difference in muscle size, strength and lean muscle mass.

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3 Ways To Thicken And Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscle Quickly And Avoid Injury!

Are you having problems gaining the serious muscle you want to? Are you working out a lot with little changes to your body? Want to get that ripped look men and women will envy and desire? This article will reveal three ways to thicken and strengthen your lower back muscle in making your ultimate physique and how to avoid injury which can derail heavy lifting for months or even permanently.

Tip No. 1: DEADLIFTS are as basic as an exercise can get for targeting quick muscle growth in the lower back region: It also hit your traps, lats and thighs to varying degrees.

Start with a barbell on the floor just in front of your shins; bend at the knees, grab the bar and stand up. As easy as that sounds, proper form is paramount for safety and effectiveness. Always lift with your thighs first, keeping your head up. Pull the bar up as close to your legs as possible (it should actually rub against them). An alternate grip (one palm underhand, one palm overhand) will prevent your fingers from giving out before your legs or back are properly taxed.

Proper warm-ups followed by sets of six to eight reps will stress your lower back area along with other major muscles. Deadlifts should not be performed heavy for every lower back workout.

Tip No. 2: GOOD MORNINGS – Exercise remain among the best ways to hit the lower back region.

Standing with your knees slightly bent, hold a light barbell across the back of your shoulders. Now push your butt backward, keeping your lower back arched and tight until you feel your hamstrings reaching the point of maximum stretch. Unless you are particularly flexible, you will not (as is often advocated) have to bend your torso so that it is perpendicular with the floor. The stretch in the hamstrings indicates where the range of motion ends. Repeat for six to 10 reps.

It is sometimes prescribed that you keep your knees locked throughout the movement. Don’t do it! As locking your knees will divert emphasis to your hamstring tendons and greatly increase the probability of a visit to the doctor!


Assume a prone position on a hyperextension bench or other appropriate flat bench. If you’re using a hyperextension bench (either a 45-degree or flat models), hook your feet (back of the heels) under the bar or have a partner hold them if you’re using a bench that lacks a component to stabilise your feet/lower body. Allow your upper body to hang down over the forward end of the bench. The forward edge of the bench/pad should be at the level of your hip joints. Knees should remain slightly bent throughout the movement.

Then leading with your head, “curl” your torso up and back as far as you can, squeezing out a peak contraction in your erectors at the top. Lower yourself to a point at which you still have at least half the peak stress on the lower back muscles and repeat for 10 or so repetitions.


Four out of five people experience significant back pain during their lives, so to avoid being one of them, have one eye on injury prevention first and building muscle mass second.

Your ultimate body is within reach, providing you follow the proven principles in this article. Quick muscle growth is not a pipe dream or only for those with the perfect genetic makeup. Use these strategies in the order mentioned and very soon you will see your lower back grow thicker and stronger. Your lower back is of paramount importance because it is the foundation of your power.

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Moringa Provides Building Blocks – Amino Acids to Our Body!

Moringa tree also known as Moringa Oleifera has been grown in India and Africa for more than two thousands years. Most parts of tree are edible, and it has many nutritional properties and medicinal properties which are unknown to western world.

This article only introduces Amino Acids found in Moringa. Human body needs twenty different Amino Acids (also call building blocks of proteins) to act as building blocks to maintain a healthy body. Eleven of them are nonessential and nine are essential. Essential Amino Acids can be obtained from diet, but our human body either cannot make them at all or cannot make them in sufficient quantity to meet its needs.

Below is the list of naturally occurring Amino Acids found in Moringa.

1. Isoleucine-Best known for its ability to increase endurance and help heal and repair muscle tissue and encourage clotting at the site of injury. It also keeps energy levels stable by helping to regulate blood sugar.

2. Leucine- It increases production of growth hormones, and helps burn visceral fat. It works with Isoleucine and Valine to repair muscles, regulate blood sugar, and provides the body with energy.

3. Lysine- It helps prevent outbreaks of herpes and cold sores, and is needed for hormone production and the growth and maintenance of bones.

4. Methionine- It helps body process and eliminate fat. It contains sulfur which is required to produce the body’s most abundant natural antioxidant – glutathione. It also can produce two other sulfer-containing Amino Acids-Cysteine & Taurine, which help the body to eliminate toxins, build strong and healthy tissues, promotes cardiovascular health.

5. Phenylalaine- It needed for normal function of the central nervous system.

6. Threonine- It supports cardiovascular, liver, central nervous, and immune system function.

7. Tryptophan-It supports immune system, alleviates insomnia, reduces anxiety, depression, migraine headaches. It also works with Lysine to reduce cholesterol levels.

8. Valine- It stimulates the central nervous system, and is needed for proper mental functioning. It also works with Isoleucine and Leucine.

Foods from animal sources like chicken, fish, eggs, beef, pork, dairy products are rich in essential Amino Acids. Plant source foods like dried beans, peas, soy, nuts and seeds are generally lack one or more of the essential Amino Acids. But by taking Moringa supplement all the Amino Acids can be obtained.

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Alexander Zass Isometric Exercise – His Secret Isometric Exerciser Revealed!

Have you heard about Alexander Zass? He was also known as the Amazing Samson.

Do you know about Alexander Zass isometric exercise?

Zass was best known for his feats of strength. To many he was considered… AMAZING!

Most people thought that he obtained his strength by weightlifting but in fact, unlike other strongman of the day, he refused to do any feats of strength that required lifting weights. This infuriated the weightlifting community of his day.

For they were firmly convinced that this is how he developed his incredible strength and ability to burst chains wrapped around his chest.

Here’s a little background on this amazing strongman.

Alexander Zass was an old-time strongman, born in Poland in the 1800s, but later on his family moved to Russia.

As a young boy he was motivated to build his strength when he saw circus performers and the incredible feats that they performed. He began by climbing trees and fashioned some homemade barbells and dumbbells to begin working out with. As he became older, he began working out with some of the great Russian strongman of the time.

In some of the books he wrote, specifically Samson Systems and Methods he expounded on his idea that in order to have true strength you need to have what he called… Tendon Strength.

He felt that you needed to develop your connective tissues, the tendons, first rather than concentrating on the muscle fibers. He concluded that the best method is to use is what today we call isometric exercise.

Most of his conclusions came about as a result of his imprisonment during World War I. He escaped so frequently that the guards had to change him inside his cell. He practiced and learned how to break his chains. Later on he would use these chains to maintain his strength and physical conditioning by using them in his isometric workouts. And so he developed Alexander Zass isometric exercise.

Later on he would publish a training program in instructional course that detailed his use of isometrics employing a chain like exercise device.

Here are some of his feats of strength that he performed:

* Lifted a 500 pound girder with his teeth

* Carried a small horse

* Caught a woman fired from a cannon

* Had several professional boxers hit him in the stomach

But his most exciting demonstrations or in having himself wrapped with chains and then bursting them in front of individuals and of course bending steel bars.

People in London were astonished with his incredible feats of strength and several newspaper articles were written about him. This created a boom in sales of his books in instructional courses on Alexander Zass isometric exercise training.

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Why Whiskey and Weightlifting Don’t Mix

Whiskey and weightlifting don’t mix – and that doesn’t just mean don’t have a few drinks before hitting the gym for your next workout… It means weightlifters and bodybuilders aiming to live a healthy lifestyle should avoid alcohol as a general rule.

First, let’s look at why people lift weights. Weightlifters hit the gym regularly to get stronger, more fit and be healthy. Bodybuilders hit the gym to build muscle, burn off bodyfat and be able to present the best physique their genetics will allow.

Now let’s examine just how alcohol impedes both scenarios. First, and most important to both weightlifters and bodybuilders, alcohol suppresses the body’s production of testosterone. Testosterone is a vital hormone produced by your body and is probably the biggest natural activator when trying to gain lean mass and build muscle in both men and women. Natural testosterone levels are much higher in men than women, which is one of the reasons men develop much larger muscles than women do. Would you want to effectively turn off the tap on such a strong muscle-building hormone? Of course not – or you wouldn’t be lifting heavy in the gym a few times every week.

Secondly, drinking alcohol shuts down the fat-burning mechanisms in your body. The sugars in alcoholic beverages are much more readily available for your body to use for energy, so as long as the alcohol is in your system your body has no need to burn off bodyfat. Getting ripped and shredded is hard enough for most bodybuilders without losing potential fat-burning time for a few hours at a time.

Third, liquors, liqueurs and beer all can contribute significant calories to your daily intake with little or no healthy benefits. Liquors like gin, rum, tequila or vodka contain up to 82 calories PER OUNCE, while a regular 12-punce beer has 146 calories. Mixed drinks have even more calories due to the mixer added – for example, Pina Coladas can contain 450 calories each. When you consider that an hour of steady-state cardio, running on a treadmill for example, burns just 500 calories, having 4 or 5 drinks with friends on Saturday night could easily negate the hours you spent on the treadmill or elliptical for the whole week!

This doesn’t mean you can’t be out having a great time when friends hit the bars – offer to always be the designated driver and watch how often you get invited along – often at their expense. And keep your drinks healthy – for example, order a soda water & cranberry juice for a good non-alcoholic carbonated drink or opt for a ‘virgin screwdriver’, also known as a glass of orange juice. Weightlifters and bodybuilders can still party with friends and have a great time, just leave the alcohol out of your personal equation!

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