Archive | Building Muscle

Creatine – 5 Rules For How To Take This Super Supplement The Right Way

I can’t tell you guys how often I get asked questions about creatine

No lie, at least 3 times a day! What is it? What does it do? Is it safe? Is it like steroids? How much should I take? How long should I take it for? What’s the best kind? Who makes the best brand? How should I take it?

Etc, etc, etc.

So I figured, why don’t I create a dedicated article to this, in my mind, “super supplement” to help clear up all the confusion and to help my guys get the most out of it?

So let me get right to it.


Don’t get confused by all the new clever marketing angles for creatine. You’ll find versions like creatine ethyl-ester, creatine alkyl, creatine (insert some super scientific sounding word here). Guys, all this is is a way for supplement companies to come out with gimmicky new ways to make you think that there is some hybrid new version of creatine out that is going to help you pack on 20 pounds of muscle in just 4 days! Forget it. It’s nonsense. The ethyl-ester version actually claims to produce it’s effects without the muscle hydrating effect of original creatine monohydrate…but that’s EXACTLY one of the benefits that you’re taking the supplement for in the first place. To hydrate your muscle cells to create a more anabolic environment long term. Not to mention, this muscle water retention is responsible for the often times dramatic lean mass weight gain that creatine users will see on the product.


People that “load” creatine, or take 5 grams 5 times a day for 5-7 days are often the ones that experience the side effects of muscle cramping, dehydration, and GI distress. It’s no wonder. You try cramming 25 grams of any sand-like powder into your stomach and see what happens. It’s probably not going to like it too much. So what to do? Easy. Studies have shown that taking one steady 5 gram dose a day will produce the same peak creatine stores in your body after just 17 days. So what’s the tradeoff? Just a 10-12 day difference. I’m sure you can all spare the extra few days and your body will be much happier that you did.


Quite frankly, you need to be a bit of a biochemist to figure out how to get creatine to mix with water (or juice for that matter if you find you need a bit more carbs to get the supplement into the muscles) cleanly. You can stir that sucker for minutes and you’re still going to find a pile of white “sand” on the bottom of the glass. Not too appetizing and not too effective for getting the actual benefits from this supplement. Instead, mix it in the blender with your favorite meal replacement and not only will the blender do a better job than you could have done, but the protein/carb combo will also help to more readily drive up the absportion of the supplement so you have more potential benefit.


Though creatine is certainly an effective supplement for adding lean muscle mass (over time), providing short term power (via it’s ATP to ADP transfer) and increasing body weight quickly (via it’s muscle hydrating effects) it’s not some synthetic or unnatural supplement that can do damage long term. Every study thus far has proven this supplement to be safe for long term use. Only those with damaged, diseased or compromised kidneys have been cautioned about taking it since your kidneys are responsible for helping to clear out the excess that is not used (as it does with all other vitamins and minerals that are delivered to the body through foods and supplements). With creatine being a natural metabolite that is already occurring in your body, you are just adding to those levels with your supplementation.


Again, this goes back to the whole marketing hype idea. You will benefit most (and so will your wallet) if you just stick with the basics. Make sure, whatever brand you choose, that you’re getting 100% pure HPLC Creatine Monohydrate. The HPLC part refers to the way that the supplement is cultivated and purified. It’s very specific and will produce the highest grade pure creatine. But that’s it. No more fancy science is needed. A good brand of 1000 grams of creatine should cost you no more than $30, so be wary of those that are asking for more!

So that’s it. I hope this helps to clear up the confusion that continues to surround this supplement. When taken as I advised in this article, creatine monohydrate truly is (along with Whey protein, meal replacements, glutamine, multivitamins, and fish oil) one of the best supplements that any athlete, bodybuilder, AthLEAN-Xer, fitness enthusiast or anyone else that wants to look and be lean, strong, ripped and muscular can take.

Be sure to let me know how it works for you!

Stay Strong,


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A Poor Man’s Guide to Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs

While I was searching for the best way to get rid of my chunky midsection, I noticed that so Called Nutritional “experts” seem to disagree to what the best foods are that help melt fat away, plus gain overall good health.

I’m here to tell you that from my experience one of the most important lessons that I have gained has been that I don’t need to conform to any of the “fad diets”… low carbs here, low fat there type of ideas. I have always had ripped six pack abs, they were just hiding under a layer of stubborn, chunky body fat… not anymore! I think balance has been the key to my success along with eating a diet of unprocessed, nutritionally based foods. Let’s face the facts here; it’s the heavy processing of today’s foods that makes our system go haywire.

OK, here it is… the following is what the experts said for me to do, that I followed with great success:

1) Getting enough good protein in your diet is a good thing. Not only are you satisfied longer without wanting to knock over a candy store, but it’s the stepping stone to building and maintaining lean muscle. It’s said that the amount of lean muscle you carry is one of the main factors for controlling your metabolism.

2) Fiber is the next one on the list. There is a good source of Fiber in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Try to avoid refined sugars and refined grains, it’s one of the enjoyments that I had to knock out of my daily routine, and one of the reasons many people struggle with body fat. Like protein, fiber also helps fill you up.

3) This next one is, don’t cut fat completely out of your diet… little did I know, it can affect your hormone level in a negative way, plus cause cravings. The experts say “Try to eat enough healthy fats daily”. Once I found out what they were talking about, I was happy to follow. Some of the great foods that I like that have the fats the experts are talking about are: avocados (great on grilled chicken sandwiches), olive oil (when cooking), nuts (one of my favorite snacks) and eggs (perfect start to the day).

4) There are two things that I learned that were a little harder to follow, but I set myself a goal, and I was willing to follow it to the end. Many processed foods have the following good tasting, but yucky for you crap in them.

– high fructose corn syrup: in most sweetened products out there.

– artificial trans fat: margarines, shortening, and hydrogenated oils that seem to have made their way into most of the processed foods we eat today.

I learned that if I were to follow these 4 guidelines, I too could lose the stubborn fat that was making me hesitant to remove my shirt in public. There is so much more to share with you, but old age has taken a toll on my memory. I would like to share with you where I became informed about nutrition, and in turn, lost my flab covering my six pack.

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3 Calisthenics Exercises to Build a Chiseled Spartan "300" Warrior Body

Every week I’m in the gym at least 3 times a week keeping my 6’0″, 165 lbs body in condition. I normally don’t spend more than an hour and 15 minutes getting my main exercises and 20 minutes of interval cardio in at the end. Right before I left for Trinidad about three weeks ago I was lifting weights like any normal gym day, when I noticed this guy who looked like he was a one man army. He was lifting with his other friend who looked like he stepped out of the movie “300”. It wasn’t that heavy lifting type of muscle that you see a lot, but a symmetrical, chiseled lean muscle look that is almost intimidating. The kind of body that women at the beach like to stare at through their sunglasses while whispering to their girlfriend.

I walked up to this guy and told him, “Man you seriously look like a comic book character, what’s your name?”. The guy laughed and told me his name (we’ll call him Cesar). Cesar and I talked about the importance of nutrition and he told me about three key exercises that were the basis for his Sparten body. So here are the three exercises that you should incorporate into your routine with 2 – 3 minutes rest time between sets.

The first exercise is the wide grip pull up which I affectionately call the “Rocky” pull up. You place your hands shoulder width apart and then pull your body up using your lats until the back of your neck hits the bar. Start off and see what your strength level is. I usually keep my reps to 7 – 12 per set. If you are just starting find someone who is willing to hold your feet to help spot you initially to build your strength.

The second exercise is the infamous dip. If you can find a “v”-shape dip bar that would be the best to give you the most pectoral (chest) extension. You want keep your legs together and bend your knees with your head up. On the repetition you should go as low as you can and then extend and raise yourself up above the bar. Do 5-7 repetitions and then take a 2 minute rest. What I do is incorporate the other weight lifting exercises for the day (back/shoulder, triceps/biceps, chest) with all of these. You’ll see that cycling these three exercises into the entire 45 minutes to hour of your lift will have you looking like the Incredible Hulk. I noticed sizable gains and chisels within the first week of integrating them into my workout.

Lastly you’ll want to setup 2 stacks of weights. Start laying three 35 pound weights one on top of the other a body lengths away from a bench press. After you’re done with the first, build your second stack of three 35 pound weights a little more than shoulder width apart from the first stack. Now this is the ultimate setup for a calisthenic pushup that is using your own body weight. First place your feet in the middle of the bench (you’ll want to setup these 2 stacks 90 degrees from the middle of the bench to one side) and then place the palm of your hands on the side of the top most weight on each stack. Keep your back straight and go down for your first pushup. The proper form should have your chest touching the ground and going between the two stacks of 35’s. You should adjust the stacks for your height and proper shoulder width. I usually do about 7 – 10 reps and then rest. The key here is quality of form, your chest should feel like it’s been stretched like never before. You want to squeeze your pectoral muscles at the top of the pushup to get the maximum results.

When you focus on the 1 or 2 muscle groups and then incorporate these 3 calisthenic exercises into your 1 hour routine, you will see results within the first 2-3 lifts guaranteed. I just gave you all a golden nugget of wisdom that I found. This in conjunction with the nutrition tips that form the foundation of my eating habits and specific exercises create the body you see below.

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The Secret to Getting a Boxer Body

If you’re training to be a pro boxer, amateur boxer, or even a fight, one thing you’ll definitely want is a “boxer’s body.” What do I mean by a boxer’s body? It’s quite simple. Look at the greats of the boxing world like Muhammad Ali. Broad shoulders, built back, chest, and triceps.

And what do all boxers have in common? They train hard on the punch bags. A boxing bag is the boxer’s number one tool. So how does this contribute to getting a boxer body? Well, let us define a boxer body.

On an overall basis, I would define a boxer’s body as being very firm. This is key to having a boxer’s body and all pro boxers have this. Just go up to a boxer in the gym next time and give him a punch on the arm or chest! Whether he is muscularly built or not, you’ll feel as though you just punched a wall or a 250 lb heavy bag. If you look at fighters in the boxing world, you’ll notice a couple of things.

1) They are not all huge in terms of muscle mass

2) Muscles of many boxers aren’t overly defined

It is a common misconception that boxers are supposed to, or do, have bodies like weightlifters. This is not the case. Remember that muscle mass does not equate to strength. Proof of this lies in the MMA/UFC cages.

We’ve all seen very muscular fighters get completely owned by fighters who have very little muscular mass. A great example of this was the Lyoto Machida vs. Evans fight in UFC 98.

So a boxer body therefore equates to a body with much inner strength. An exercise that helps gain inner strength, that is, strength of the tissues, organs and ligaments, is hindu pushups. Another exercise is grappling and throwing a punching bag dummy. These help to built inner strength and not necessarily huge muscles.

So the secret to developing a real boxer’s body is to train like them. Do exercises that contribute to your inner strength. Meditate, train hard on the punch bags and don’t give up. If you want to firm up, use the boxing bag to train in rounds. Move around so you develop both endurance as well. To really firm up your muscles, you’re going to have to do a lot of cardio and inner strength training.

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Cardio Kickboxing Top 10 Questions

1. What is Cardio Kickboxing?

Cardio kickboxing is a hybrid of boxing, martial arts and aerobics done rhythmically to music. Cardio kickboxing is also known as aerobic kickboxing or fitness kickboxing. Offering an intense cross-training and total-body workout it utilizes the training routines used by martial artists in the sports of boxing and kickboxing. The objective is not to make a “fighter” out of you, but rather to give a balanced overall program that combines a cardio aerobic workout with the techniques for self-defense. There is no physical contact in the class – it is offered as an alternative to conventional aerobics.

Unlike a traditional martial arts class, the music adds to your stimulation and motivation. Unlike an aerobics class, there are numerous techniques you can learn beyond the basics to maintain your interest level. Classes go by fast because there is so much going on.

2. What are the benefits of Cardio Kickboxing?

These classes give you a full body workout and improve your physical fitness, flexibility, coordination, and balance. If you do the punches with precision and power, you will strengthen your upper body and eventually see more muscle definition. The kicks will strengthen your legs. And kneeing moves (a strike in which you thrust your bent knee upward) will firm your abdominal muscles; in fact, all of the moves, when done correctly, will make your torso into a solid base that lets you do day-to-day tasks more easily. Many cardio kickboxing classes also include bagwork that provides additional fitness and strength training benefits because of the “resistance” when punching or kicking the heavy boxing bags.

Your cardiovascular system will benefit, too. Cardio kickboxing is a truly aerobic workout – it keeps you bobbing, weaving, and jumping amidst the punches and kicks, so that your heart rate stays elevated for most of the session. A good class will leave you drenched in sweat and energized. And your increased conditioning will be accompanied by an increased metabolism meaning you will burn more calories even when you aren’t exercising.

A lot of people find cardio kickboxing a great way to release stress. The stress relief and the channeling of aggression can be as beneficial as the actual physical workout itself. The physiological difference between this workout and other cardiovascular workouts such as running or participating in an aerobics class can’t be explained with just the simple “release of endorphines”. A natural high is experienced after a class that lasts for hours. Civilized, as we’ve all been not to hit each other (which is, of course, a good thing), we’re still equipped with some natural aggression. You may find that planting your heel in the torso of a phantom foe 10 or 20 times leaves you feeling wonderfully tranquil.

3. Who should take a Cardio Kickboxing class?

Anyone who wants to get in better shape. Although primarily designed for adults, cardio kickboxing classes can benefit teens too. Student athletes can train to improve their physical fitness and conditioning. And the resulting boost in self-confidence gives a mental edge when it comes to getting more playing time and performing well during actual games.

Students who are home-schooled or who do not like to participate in conventional athletic programs can derive health and fitness benefits too. Exercise is important. And, because of the added self-defense benefit that comes as a by-product of the program, it improves a student’s self-esteem, channels aggressiveness, and enhances assertiveness.

It’s recommended you check with your health-card provider before taking the class if you have not exercised regularly recently, and come in and talk to a teacher and watch part of a class if you have other questions or concerns.

4. What should I expect in a Cardio Kickboxing class?

A typical class is a little over an hour-long. If you are going to hit bags, prior to the class, participants wrap both hands with cloth handwraps to help protect the knuckles and support the wrists (the instructor will show you how). Then with everyone facing the mirror, a teacher leads the group through specific punches and kicks, to the beat of dance-club music. The class starts with a warm-up period, moves to fast shadowboxing and kicking drills, then to heavy bag work, and ends with some strength building exercises and a cool-down stretch. Intermixed with this are aerobic conditioning drills such as high-knees, grapevines and jumping jacks.

Be prepared to feel a little clumsy and lost at times – but don’t let yourself feel discouraged. Even if you’re a highly conditioned runner or you’ve been doing step aerobics for years, these moves may be new to your body. Pay attention to what feels right to you. Don’t do a move that hurts, and take breaks if you feel tired. Your muscles need time to develop their “memory”, and your reactions as the teacher calls out what to do (“jab, cross, hook, roundhouse”) will be slow at first. By the second or third class, the awkwardness will start to dissipate.

5. What will I learn?

The first thing you’ll learn is the stance — a way of standing that maximizes balance and puts power behind your moves. Your feet are about shoulder-width apart and at a slight angle, one foot set back from the other. Your fists are up around your cheek-bones to guard your face (Don’t hunch your shoulders). This is the position you’ll return to after every punch and kick.

You will also learn how to move, which is important because you use your momentum to generate power. This involves keeping in motion while staying up on the balls of your feet, which enables you to act or respond much more efficiently. The general rule for a powerful strike is to use your body’s weight and momentum, not just your arms. Engage your abdominal muscles and exhale the breath as you rotate and punch.

The punches generally taught are the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. The kicks will include the front kick, side kick, back kick, angle kick and roundhouse. But punches and kicks just don’t come in multiples of one. You will learn kickboxing sequences, how the jab sets up the cross, sets up the hook, etc. Each strike sets up the next so you can generate much more power by combos of two or more. The torque of your body helps to create this momentum. The individual moves are worked into swiftly executed combinations (for example: jab, cross punch, hook, uppercut, front kick).

Different instructors have different takes on what they teach and the subtleties of techniques, but the basics that you learn from one teacher will hold up in all the classes.

6. What should I wear?

Sweats, shorts and a T-shirt, an aerobic-dance outfit — whatever keeps you comfortable and cool. Wear well-made athletic shoes that aren’t too worn. Running shoes aren’t ideal because they’re not constructed for side-to-side movements. Basketball, tennis or other shoes designed for pivots and lateral movements are better. It is also very important that your shoes are clean. Barefeet are OK too.

7. Could I hurt myself?

Yes. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a sore elbow or wrist, a pulled muscle, or one of the injuries that commonly occur in aerobics classes such as a sprained knee or twisted ankle. So adopt a protective attitude toward your body.

If you can spare the time, arrive a few minutes early to get your handwraps on and warm up by gently stretching your legs (especially the fronts and backs of the thighs) and shoulders. Make sure you are and stay well hydrated.

During the class, make sure that you stop the motion of each punch or kick before the joint is fully extended. Never kick or punch so far that you lock the elbow or knee joints. Also, start out focusing on kicking low and with control. Respect your body’s limits. Sure, you can change those limits — but it’ll take time, dedication, and a realistic attitude.

8. Will Cardio Kickboxing give me skills to defend myself?

Since you will be working out anyway, learning basic self-defense skills at the same time is an added benefit. Over time you will develop strong kicking and punching abilities and learn the practical application of techniques practiced in the air on the heavy bag. It takes bagwork practice to gauge distance and effectively landing your punch or kick flush on a target. You just can’t just shadow-kickbox, you need the feedback of hitting something. Be aware though that the focus is on conditioning and not on self-defense, if you really want to learn self-defense tactics, take a martial arts or self-defense classes.

9. How can I get the most out of the classes?

As with any other exercise, if you want to improve your cardiovascular condition or trim an inch here and there, you’ll have to do it regularly. Two to four sessions a week is probably optimal; in between classes it is good to mix things up. For example take a brisk walk or run, do some stretching or yoga to increase your flexibility, or simply take a day to rest.

10. How can I learn more?

Go to a class!

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How to Get a Guy Interested After You Have Chased Him Too Much? These Tips Will Do the Repair Work

Have you chased a guy so much that it seems as if he’s no longer interested in you? This isn’t an impossible situation: you can get his interest back. Just follow these steps, and you are sure to find a way to turn his attention around.


Avoid sending him text messages, instant messages, and voice mail. This will make him start to think about what happened to you. He’ll wonder why you aren’t chasing him. Note that to pull this off successfully, one must have discipline and self-control.

Play hard to get

Playing hard to get really works when you need to get a guy’s interest back. This is because men like the thrill of the chase, and will pursue women who don’t show much interest after paying attention to her for some time.

Be still, thy heart

You may want to change your attitude after chasing a man too much. Don’t show him your true feelings. Always remain composed, even when he’s only a few feet away from you. Try not to show him that you’re aware of his presence, and that it’s affecting you in any way.

Get a makeover

Wear flirtatious clothes that can catch his eye. Buy new clothes, get a really nice haircut, and put on some new make-up. A change in appearance can insinuate that you’ve changed. You want to pique his curiosity. What exactly changed about you? The more you make him wonder, the more attention he’ll give you – which is what you’re after

Be Unavailable

Don’t answer his calls. This will make it look as if you have lost interest in him. The point is to make him wonder what exactly happened to change the way things were. Eventually, he’d want to know what happened to the woman who used to chase him, and start paying more attention to you.

Look confident

Make him believe that even if you have chased him a great deal, you are still the confident woman that you are. This might seem a bit difficult, since you did chase him around for a time, but a woman who is confident is a pedestal of assured positive energy that can rekindle his curiosity.

Respect yourself

Even if you were the one who did all the chasing, you still need to respect yourself! If you can’t get his interest back, work on trying to get over it – and move on. There are better things for you, and the sooner you get a hold of yourself, the sooner you’ll start acting more confident – and we’ve established that confidence is pretty attractive for men.

Who knows, it might even get his interest back!

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Wholesale Glyconutrients That Changed My Family Forever

How could this be happening? Our dog (Storm) just received her one year checkup in June and was given a clean bill of health. In shock by the news, we refused to put Storm down and defied the recommendation of our vet oncologist.

What followed could only be described as a long exhaustive internet and phone search for cancer alternatives for dogs. After 100 hours of research in two weeks, we stumbled across a homeopathic vet in our area. What we learned was shocking.

Dogs like humans – even puppies who are barely adult dogs are exposed to triggers every single day that can kick off a serious of unfortunate health events. These triggers can come from the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the vaccinations we take to stay healthy – yes even vaccinations can be a trigger to cancer.

Listening with abated breath, we continued to learn from our homeopathic vet that traditional doctors treat most auto immune diseases (like cancer) at the symptom level; but they never address the underlying question which is why did we get sick in the first place?

When your body is out of balance, your body fails to do what it was designed to do – which is heal itself. When your cells stop talking to each other efficiently they become corrupt. These corrupt cells can lead to illnesses and in the case of our Storm – Lymphosarcoma.

It was recommended that we put Storm on a glyconutrient supplementation program coupled with a raw diet high in protein and low in carbs. We started her on a leading brand of glyco supplements. These supplements contained the eight simple sugars that provide your body the building blocks it needs to enhance cell to cell communication.

Within two weeks of this program, the tumor that Storm had was 90% gone. This was a tumor that was twice the size of her heart on the ultrasound just two weeks before. At the end of the first month, Storm was diagnosed as being in remission.

Don’t get me wrong. Cancer is a smart nasty disease that mutates and has one purpose – survival. Is there a cure for cancer – probably not? Is there a better way to treat cancer – absolutely? Are glyconutrients part of that better treatment – my opinion is YES?

Holly and I have seen first hand what these Glyconutrients can do. We both take them; and our dogs both take them. Did we know about glyconutrients before Storm was diagnosed with cancer – NO? Do most doctors know about them – NO? This is because the discovery of glyconutrients is fairly new and has only recently been added to the curriculum at medical schools.

If you are or a loved one are suffering from an auto immune disorder I strong urge you may want to try wholesale glyconutrients.

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How to Increase Vascularity and Become a Muscular Freak

Okay, so most people who know you probably already consider you a freak. Be honest though… It’s probably not because of your physique. 

Don’t fret. We can help even up the your image from idiosyncratic freak to physique freak with a primer on vascularity. And we’re not just talking a few veins here or there that pop out during stressful workouts. We’re talkin’ walkin’ around with a Triple A map popping out from beneath your skin. Insane vascularity can be yours if you follow our suggestions. 

For most people who lift, the thought of getting skin-tearing type pumps and road-map vacularity is appealing. But to get them usually means bloating, cramping, weight gain and overall look that screams “NOT DIALED IN”! Why are pumps so important? Well, pumps are what give you a leg up in the vascularity department. When you’re pumped, your veins stand out like blocked garden hoses ready to explode.

Training for pumps involves a lot of intensity, but it also requires several other factors to achieve it: Diet, Supplements, Water and Electrolyte Balance.

First, let’s talk….


Creatine in steak and other foods, red wine, simple sugars, enough complex carbs along with good protein and fat, all contribute to vacularity. Eating enough is crucial, but getting enough elements such as salt and fat on food is important. You don’t have to eat a cube of butter, you can use capryllic acids, olive oils, fish oils or other fat sources such as flax to do the trick. 

Remember, hot food also brings out vascularity. Ever gone to a competition and ordered a steak to go for your room later on. You eat it cold and nothing happens. Guess why? Well, most of the creatine has been killed and you don’t have heat to help push the fats and sodium into the cells.

Bottom line, the body is a magnet for protein, carbs, fat, water and creatine, as well as trace elements such as sodium and potassium to help boost cell volume. Food should be your number one supplement. But speaking of supplements…

There are plenty!


CME (Creatine Methyl Ester) / CEE -(Creatine Ethyl Ester)

Due to the precise placement of its methyl or ethyl groups, CM² and CE² both avoid the stomach degradation process that occurs with creatine monohydrate products, so they are resistant to digestive breakdown. Both provide benefits of creatine with only about a quarter of the normal clinical dose. And no bloating or discomfort with either and no known adversity in length of time on. Carnosine levels are also boosted, which buffer the build up of lactic acid.


Experience those wicked full body pumps that last all day with NO. Nitric can enhance muscle hardness and vascularity almost automatically. What’s more, it can help push you past training plateaus by forcing your body into an anabolic growth phase, so you can add slabs of new lean mass! Nitric Oxide is designed to support blood flow and circulation, which promotes performance, endurance, recovery, and size, so let’s not just think about vascularity as strictly cosmetic, let’s think about the benefits of having it!

AEX (Arginine Ethyl Ester)

Arginine Ethyl Ester works to increase Nitric Oxide (NO2) production in the body which may induce more explosive, blood engorged muscle pumps and increase blood flow to genital area. 


Rutaecarpine is a powerful phyto-alkaloid that exerts its biological impact on Ca2+ in endothelial cells and smooth muscle cell tissue and produces greater vasodilation and nitric oxide production. IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) is metabolized into inositol triphosphates which is essential to cell signaling and regulation of cellular growth. The net result of this increased activity is a high level of vasodilation and intracellular amino acid synthesis.


Tri-creatine malate increases muscle size and strength gains. Tri-creatine malate with arginine ethyl esters to enhance cell volume. 


Methocel is a controlled-release technology made by Dow Pharmaceutical. It’s the engine that drives Nitric oxide’s vaso-mascular volumizing action, and allows NO to support 24-hour whole-body vasodilation (opening of blood vessels). With vessels dilated, more blood can flow into your muscles during workouts, posing sessions, stretching and other things you do throughout the day to give your body an opportunity to grow and become more vascular. Remember, blood-filled muscles appear fuller, thicker and shapelier, which helps provide that sought after “pumped” and “vascular” look. 


Potassium GlycerophosphateMagnesium Glycerophosphate Glycerol Stearate  is a magnet for pumps and vascularity, what with all of the food and water we take in during a given day. Complete muscle hydration and nutrient saturation can occur with glycerol hydrating polymers and act with electrolytes to ensure beefed up cell volume.  


Sodium and potassium based things like Gatorade that have a slight bit of glucose in them, can really carry a lot of volume into the muscle, and increase vascularity. Proper electrolyte balance is crucial to vascularity and can make or break anything mentioned above. Drink water and take electrolytes to avoid cramping and looking flat. 


Pump Tech by MuscleTech


Mass Stack by BSN


Drinking water is crucial, because cell volume depends upon it. If you don’t take in adequate water, water balance will shift from cells that are engorged (and in pump status) and instead flood the skin, lending an anything-but-vascular look.


Gatorade before posing, or any electrolyte preparation, or a big juicy steak and a baked potato, can really help you explode! Balloon-sized pumps are yours during each posing session if you begin by feeding your body the proper food, electrolytes and supplements. But remember, the more you actually physically pose, the more vascularity will be etched into your muscles.

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Vitamin B2 Benefits, Deficiency, Sources and Storage

Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, is a water-soluble B vitamin. Vitamin B2 was first noticed in 1879 as a green pigment found in milk. It is not stored in the human body for any period, and it is therefore important to include a regular dietary source of this vitamin.

Benefits of Vitamin B2:

* Riboflavin plays an important role in certain metabolic reactions of the body, particularly the conversion of carbohydrates (into sugar) and amino acids, which is burned to produce fuel necessary to carry out various activities.

* Vitamin B2 also plays an important role in maintaining muscle tone along the lining of the digestive tract, and promoting the physical condition of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.

* Riboflavin is an important nutrient in the prevention of headache and some visual disturbances, particularly cataracts.

* It also helps keep mucous membranes (such as those lining the mouth) healthy.

* Needed to process amino acids and fats, activate Vitamin B6 and folic acid,

* Essential for normal tissue respiration.

* B2 is an excellent antioxidant, and works by neutralizing damaging particles in the body (free radicals). These particles, which occur naturally in the body, not only damage cell membranes, but also intermingle with genetic material, and contribute to the development of a number of serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. Riboflavin has the potential to neutralize free radicals, and may reduce or even help prevent some of the harm.

* In the treatment of anaemia, adding Vitamin B2 to iron supplements has shown to increase its effectiveness.

Deficiency of Vitamin B2

Unlike other B vitamins, riboflavin is not found in many dietary sources. Riboflavin deficiency is medically termed as pellagra. The most common cause of riboflavin deficiency is dietary insufficiency, which occurs in those who do not consume rich dietary sources of the vitamin.

Symptoms of riboflavin deficiency include:

« fatigue,

« stunted growth,

« sensitivity to light,

« digestive problems,

« cracks around the corners of the mouth,

« eye tiredness

« dull or oily hair, an oily skin, premature wrinkles on the face and arms, and split nails.

« malfunctioning of the adrenal glands.

« soreness of the lips, mouth and tongue.

« the tongue may turn magenta (glossitis),

« seborrheic dermatitis (particularly affecting the scrotum, around the nose and in the area between

the nose and the lips).

« conjunctivitis and watering of eyes

« anaemia

Sources of Vitamin B2

The best dietary sources of riboflavin include yeast, almonds, organ meats such as liver, whole grains, wheat germ, leafy green vegetables, mushroom, oily fish, soyabeans, dairy products such as milk and yogurt, eggs, and spinach.

Flours and breakfast cereals are often fortified with riboflavin.

Extra doses of this vitamin might be required if a person is a regular alcoholic, dependent on antibiotics, birth control pills or doing some strenuous exercise.

If a person is under a lot of stress or on a counted-calorie diet, vitamin B2 is also of importance.

Who is likely to be deficient?

Vitamin B2 deficiency exclusively is not quite common. Deficiency of the vitamin can occur in the elderly subsisting mostly on tea, coffee, bread, biscuits. Riboflavin deficiency also occurs in those with chronic liver disease, chronic alcoholics.

It usually occurs in association with deficiencies of other B vitamins in mostly those people who have a protein and calorie deficiency. Chronic disorders, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes mellitus increase the risk of Vitamin B2 deficiency.

Also, the deficiency may be more likely in people with cataracts, chronic fatigue syndrome, or sickle cell anaemia.

What is the recommended dosage?

The ideal level of intake is not really known.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is about 1.1 milligrams of riboflavin daily for women and men should have 1.7 milligrams daily. The amounts found in many multivitamin supplements (20-25 mg) is sufficient for most people.

Women who are pregnant, require an additional 0.3 mg per day and lactating mothers require an additional 0.5 mg per day.

Absorption of Vitamin B2 is best when it is taken with meals.

Riboflavin in excess does not appear to cause any serious side effect. Possible reactions to very high doses may include itching, numbness, burning or prickling sensations, and sensitivity to light. A normal yellow discolouration of the urine is seen with an increased intake of vitamin B2 – but this is quite normal and harmless.

Storage of Vitamin B2

While riboflavin is not destroyed by heat, it can be lost in water when foods are boiled or soaked. Riboflavin is destroyed by light; therefore, items should be stored away from light to protect their riboflavin content.

If you want to get the maximum B2 vitamin possible from food, refrigerate fresh fruits and veggies and keep milk and grains away from strong light. Vitamins> are easily destroyed and washed out during cooking of food at high temperatures. If taking vitamin B2 supplements, store them at room temperature in a dry place that is free from moisture.

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Bromelain For Ulcers May Just Be The Right Remedy For This Serious Health Condition!

A highly recommended natural approach to correcting digestive health is the therapeutic use of Bromelain for ulcers. Your stomach and intestines are composed of many substances that keep your whole body well-nourished and in a state of optimal health when taken care of properly. Did you know that there is actually good bacteria in your stomach that assists normal biochemical functions? However, an accumulation of bacteria and fluids in your stomach can cause terrible problems! When the acid-base balance is off in your digestive system, this can cause the rest of your body to be out of whack as well.

How the therapeutic use of Bromelain for ulcers works

There are many health conditions that can arise from poor digestion and its repercussions. Medicinal use of Bromelain for ulcers helps to provide nutrition throughout your body from increasing the rate of absorption in your intestines. This alternative health supplement can increase the functions of your immune system as well due to how it stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself when injury or imbalance is present. This powerfully cleansing antioxidant reduces your chances of infection by a large amount as it can improve the cellular health of all organs in your body.

Healthy benefactors associated with using Bromelain for ulcers

When you embrace the efficacy of this anti-inflammatory agent you will suffer from less pain throughout your body. Fluid accumulation will also be reduced through using natural Bromelain for ulcers. When there is a blockage in your stomach this causes an accumulation of food particles, bacterium, and fluid to be present which can then cause tissue damage and swelling. This medicinal substance can relieve tissues from being engulfed by bacteria, inflammation and swelling that cause them to have altered and abnormal biochemical reactions.

Clinical examination of the use of Bromelain for ulcers

Researchers compiled evidence in regards to a natural alternative health supplement that reduces many of the chronic symptoms related to tissue damage. When the damage in the stomach is extensive or has accumulated over time, the condition can amplify. Studies conducted on the natural therapeutic effects of Bromelain for ulcers indicate it has widespread effects that start with healing the sites of tissue injury while promoting the health of digestive functions in the body. This is a safe and non-toxic way to reach optimal health without causing adverse reactions in the body.

Our tips on getting the most from Bromelain for ulcers

When you want only the best natural curative effects for your health condition which you have been battling for a large part of your life, you can find the relief you are looking for in this organic solution. When you combine this powerful antioxidant with other natural vitamins, minerals, and key ingredients, you are boosting the healing process. Bromelain for ulcers is recommended for medicinal use because it controls the bacterial invasion and swelling that cause pain and even cardiovascular issues over time.

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