Archive | Building Muscle

5 Tips to Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

Learning how to build muscle fast is easy, putting it into practice is the hard part. Most people think that if you lift more, you will gain more muscle mass. This simply isn’t the case.

Building muscle has just as much to do with diet as it does with training, if not more.

You can’t build muscle without a calorie surplus, just as you can’t build muscle without resistance training.

To build muscle fast, you have to optimize your diet as well as training regimen. Here is how to do it.

1. Avoid Low Carb Diets

While low carb diets are great for cutting fat, they won’t help you with gaining muscle mass. You need carbs for fuel so you can exercise more efficiently.

Carbohydrates are important before training sessions, and immediately after training sessions. Carbs are your muscles primary fuel.

By consuming complex carbs you restore glycogen stores within your muscles[1] for further activity and fullness. This is a major factor in how effective a training session is.

2. Avoid All Alcohol

Alcohol, even in small amounts, can have major effects on sleep, and recovery. In a study conducted in 1980, alcohol in small doses (0.8 g/kg) before bedtime, suppressed plasma growth hormone by 70%-75%[2].

If you add in the effects of dehydration and release of cortisol, it’s nothing but a recipe for disaster.

3. Get More Protein

There is a lot of confusion surrounding protein these days. One article says your not eating enough, the other says your eating way too much.

So what is the key?

For moderately active, and highly active adults, it is reasonable to consume around 2-3 grams of protein for every kilogram of bodyweight.[3]

Studies show that too much protein intake has an extremely low chance of negative side effects. Plus, protein is essential in so many bodily functions.

4. Lift Heavy Weights

Protein alone cannot build muscle. To really add-on size, you must lift heavy weights. Or use your bodyweight to achieve the desired resistance.

In the gym, you could focus on lifting 6 sets of 6 reps with a heavy enough weight to reach failure in the last couple of sets. This should be enough to make some serious gains.

5. Switch-up Your Workouts

This doesn’t necessarily mean changing the exercises. Vary your sets and reps, rest time, and intensity. This will help you break through those dreaded plateaus.

I hope this list helps you in achieving your desired physique. But this can only help you if you continually take daily action. Avoid analysis paralysis, and just get to work.


1. Louise M Burke, Bente Kiens & John L Ivy

Carbohydrates and fat for training and recovery

Pages 15-30 | Accepted 07 Aug 2003, Published online: 18 Feb 2007.

2. Prinz, P.N. et al., The effect of alcohol on sleep and nighttime plasma growth hormone and cortisol concentrations, J. Clin. Endocrinal. Metabol., 50(4), 759-764, 1980

3. Paul Hovan Jr., May 10, 2016

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Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, and the Raw Power They Build

Pull-ups (and chin-ups) are an exercise that every serious strength athlete needs to master. They build brute, raw, unadulterated STRENGTH in the upper body -the kind that you cannot get from lifting weights, and certainly not from working out on machines in the gym.

This exercise is more than worth it’s weight in gold, but is unfortunately ignored these days by most people. Let’s face it, when was the last time you saw someone working his butt off on a tough set of pull-ups? Personally, the only thing I’ve seen people do on the monkey bars in the local parks around where I live (and by the way, those monkey bars are great for doing pull-ups) is hang their jackets on them, or loiter by them while yammering on about the latest exercise fad. And that pretty much explains why most people have weak backs, and suffer from a plethora of back related problems.

This ONE exercise will build the back muscles to their fullest. The back is the true foundation of super strength in the upper body (as opposed to the chest, which most people are obsessed about), and this one exercise will work it to the max.It will also build a powerful grip, and strengthen the forearms beyond belief. And the benefits do not stop there – the biceps, triceps, chest, and core are all heavily taxed during the movement. If there was only one upper body movement that you could do, that would give you the biggest “bang for your buck”, I would advocate the pull-up (or chin-up).

Pull-ups also provide a true test of one’s strength. How many people these days can complete ten, proper pull-ups in one set, regardless of their bodyweight? Not very many I’d bet, and this includes the “muscleheads” at the local gym as well. There is a very solid reason that this exercise is a mandatory requirement for the US Marines and other elite forces around the world – that being that the exercise builds true strength, and lasting endurance.

Remember that pull-ups should always be done in proper form to gain the utmost out of every repetition. Amongst other things, correct form involves pulling with your back muscles rather than arms, and keeping your legs as still as you can. You should never use momentum to complete a rep. Allow your MUSCLES to complete the movement, rather than your ego. Most people avoid pull-ups because they find them to be too tough, and are forever stuck on the lat pull-down machines while achieving little by the way of back development and true strength. Don’t be one of these people. Master the pull-up and it’s variations fully, and you will move to an elite level of strength that few people these days will ever attain in a lifetime of training.

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How to Choose the Health Nutrition Supplements Your Body Needs

Everyone understands that health nutrition supplements provide the user with proteins, vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrients that his body requires. Taking them in correct doses keeps a person energetic, and burns off the unwanted fat in the body. These are reasons enough to make the taking of these supplements a habit. Besides that, there is another logic to having health nutrition supplements.

Taking it routinely subjects you to some sort of discipline so that you are unlikely to deviate from the diet plan while you are having it. These supplements do not come cheap and once you are spending money on them, you will be conscious of the need to see through the whole process the right way so that the money is not wasted.

The health nutrition supplements that you need will depend upon what you want to achieve. If you are a bit obese and want to shed some weight and be shapely, you might need to use just a far burner and protein powder that will help you to lose weight.

But if you want not just to lose weight but build up some muscle mass as well, it is best to invest in some form of testosterone booster as well as protein powders. If you have some vitamin deficiencies, that should also be taken into consideration while choosing your health nutrition supplements.

Multivitamin supplements are a must, whatever your diet plan is, and whatever your goal is. It is a must for the smooth running of the various organs of the body, for burning extra fat by turning the body into an excellent fuel burning device, and for removing body toxins. The building blocks in multivitamin supplements help in repairing the wear and tear of the body as well. Most of the health nutrition supplements that you need will be available at local pharmacies or GNC stores.

Health nutrition supplements can be purchased online as well. These do not come cheap and you should first of all understand which are the ones that your body needs. Some people are under the erroneous impression that the more supplements one takes, the faster will the weight loss regimen progress. Nothing can be more far from the truth.

Nutrition supplements can only be taken in the correct amounts, after precisely identifying the need of the body. Whether you plan to buy health nutrition supplements online or offline, you will see heaps of them everywhere. It will be available as tablets, powders, bars, pills, and energy drinks. Choosing the right one from that jumble is your job.

You might have to go through a blood check or a thorough check done by your physician to find out exactly what your body needs to achieve what you want.

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3 Different Stages of Muscle Building You Need to Know

Before you jump head long into any muscle building training program you must know the three basic principles of what it takes to garner those big rippling biceps! After you have begun to understand the process of how the body goes through different stages of building muscle only then will you be able to initiate into a long-term muscle building training regiment.

Muscle Stimulation

The first phase is referred to as muscle stimulation. It is within this phase that you will learn how the audio treats its muscles when it comes to adding on lean muscle mass to compensate for previous failures. This may sound a bit contradictory but this is how the body works on a muscle to improve its maximum of elegy to either left or move something of massive weight. The body breaks down the muscle in order to compensate for the over strenuous activities of the weightlifting exercise only days before.

Learn about Nutrition

The second phase is to learn all you can about nutrition and what your body needs to grow big giant muscles. When you have a diet that’s full of fruits and vegetables and good wholesome grains and wheat and vitamins you’ll develop a body that is fit for ‘Schwarzenegger School of Bodybuilding Studs’ in California. If you do not treat your body like a temple that it is and you are trying to work out and negate the nutritional-aspect then the workout will be left unaffected and you will not gain muscles that all the girls at the beach want you to do. As long as you know that you need to eat a healthy, nutritious diet then your workout regimen will be just fine and your body will reward you with muscles upon muscles.

Learn the Golden Rule of Working Out then Resting

Many of the most-novices of muscle builders understand that you have to rest the body. Especially any of the targeted-muscles that you have just worked out the day before in order for them to grow into ‘anything’ bigger. Time and time again well-intentioned sincere young men who want to add muscle mass onto a relatively lean-body structure will forget this golden rule and work out every day religiously.

They do not give their muscles the time needed and required to produce more muscle tissue to make up for the failure of the past. The bottom line is that you should rest every day in between the weekly workout days and a good schedule beyond would look like this: Monday Wednesday Friday workout Tuesday Thursday rest, Saturday and Sunday cardiovascular workout or spend some time with the family. The most dependable factor you will need to learn of these three factors and three different stages of muscle growing experiences will be to be committed to your cause. Those guys and gals that one add-on muscle fiber to their body learn and follow these three phases of any workout regimen and are rewarded with fine tuned and muscular bodies.

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Gain Weight by Eating Healthy Food

Being underweight is as destructive as being overweight. Being too skinny may directly affect your work and personality. It can also lead to health issues in the long run. Several medical conditions such as thyroid problems can be responsible for a person being skinny. While some people can be naturally skinny and healthy, it is difficult for some to gain weight easily. It takes several days to gain weight; it is not an overnight job. Slowly and steadily weight can be increased while maintaining a proper health balance.

The most important thing to do in this scenario is to have a better caloric intake. These 5 tips may come handy for those aiming at gaining weight in a healthy way.

1. Intake of maximum proteins: Out of the top tips to gain weight, the most important is eating plenty of proteinous foods. As muscle mass is made out of protein, eating calories in terms of proteins is vital.

Without protein, those extra calories from the food might end up in excess of body fat. High protein foods like legumes and nuts can be helpful. Eating sufficient amounts of proteins can help in gaining muscle weight instead of body fat. A high protein diet thus helps in gaining muscle weight by acting as a building block.

2. Eat carbohydrates and fat: Eating a diet rich in carbohydrates and fat is essential to gain weight. Each meal should consist of proper portions of carbohydrates, fat, and proteins. Your meal intake should be at least 3 times each day. Make sure the food contains energy-dense snacks along with these 3 meals. This ensures plenty of carbohydrates, fat, and proteins. Eating healthy food acts as catalyst for gaining weight.

3. Energy-packed food: Eating energy-packed food is a healthy way to gain weight. These nutritious food items include nuts like Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts, etc and dried fruits like raisins, etc.

Whole grain food like brown rice and oats are very useful to gain weight in a healthy way. Potatoes and sweet potatoes can be included in the diet, as well. Such a diet is highly filling and hence, split it in appropriate time intervals so that you don’t have to force the food inside you. Squeeze in some extra snacks or meals whenever possible.

4. Regular exercise: Gymming is just one of the ways for you to build muscles and gain weight. If a gym is not suitable, opt for any other kind of exercise regime like Yoga or Zumba. Also, try and play your favourite sport / game whenever possible. This will ensure that the food you eat is properly digested and converted into energy, further building your body strength and muscle.

5. Do not drink water before meals: Drinking water before meals reduces your intake quantity and in-turn hunger. For proper digestion, make sure to drink water 30 minutes after having meals.

Eating the right kind of fat is extremely important. Trans fats should be avoided and healthy fats should be consumed. Underweight individuals often wonder how to gain weight fast! Luckily, the answer is very simple: just eat right portions of the right food at right intervals of time.

Consume organic and fresh food for better results in putting on those extra calories. Make sure to buy organic food from the most authentic organic food supplier, only!

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Vitamin B Functions – Sources and Deficiencies

Vitamin B refers to a group of 8 vitamins. They are vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (Biotin), vitamin B8 (myo-inositol), vitamin B9 (Folic acid) and vitamin B12 (Cobalamin). Vitamin B plays a significant role in cell metabolism. At initial phase, scientists consider it is an individual vitamin much like we call vitamin A or vitamin C. However later in time, several scientific researches proved that they are cluster of chemically distinctive vitamins that may coexist in certain foods. Nutritional supplements containing all of the eight vitamins are referred to as vitamin B complex. On the other hand, nutritional supplement consisting of single vitamin B component is referred to specific name.

Vitamin B Functions

Vitamin B functions effectively for providing a whole host of health benefits. It maintains and boost up the metabolism rate. It also aids in maintaining healthy skin and offers flexibility in the muscle tone. Vitamin B functions well in managing a healthy immune system and it also offers a hale and hearty nervous system functioning. Vitamin B affects cell division and cell metabolism. It also affects the production of red blood cells. A deficiency in vitamin B may lead to anemia. Vitamin B complex is essential for fighting against different symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and cardiovascular diseases.

All of the B vitamins are water soluble; however, a six year of vitamin B12 storage was seen in the liver, regardless of its water soluble nature.

Vitamin B Sources

The supply of vitamin B is abundant in nature. You can easily add it in your diet list. The natural sources may include potatoes, chili peppers, bananas, liver oil, tuna, lentils, tempeh, turkey and liver. Molasses and nutritional yeast are known sources of vitamin B.

Vitamin B Deficiencies

Inadequate supply of sufficient B-vitamins may lead to vitamin B deficiencies. It may cause different types of health complications. Lack of Thiamin or vitamin B1 may cause Beriberi. The typical symptoms may include weakness, disorder in nervous system, significant weight loss, irregular heart beat, and edema. Vitamin B deficiencies may also result in ariboflavinosis. Poor supply of vitamin B2 in diet may cause this complication. The common symptoms may include hypersensitivity to sunlight, edema, cheilosis, hyperemia and oral mucosa. Pellagra is another health complications occurred as a result of vitamin B deficiencies.

Niacin plays a major role here. Lack of niacin in regular diet may ensure the possibility of this health complication. Common symptoms may include aggression, dermatitis, confusion, insomnia and diarrhea. In severe cases, pellagra may cause mortality also.

Not so common in every day practice, but a deficiency in Pantothenic acid may cause vitamin B deficiencies. It may result in acne and paresthesia. A lack in pyridoxine supply may lead to a whole host of health complications. All of these complications are known health complications arising from vitamin B deficiencies. The common complications are depression, mood disorder, hypertension, anemia, water retention, and increased level of homocysteine. Inadequate supply of Biotin may result in vitamin B deficiencies that largely affect infants. It may lead to developmental disorder and neurological disorder among children. Folic acid deficiency may lead to an increased level of homocysteine, which may lead to birth defects during pregnancy. Deficiency in vitamin B12 may result in megaloblastic anemia, memory loss and cognitive decline.

Several studies are going on in the support of possible health benefits provided by vitamin B supplements. Studies reveal that folic acid may be found beneficial in preventing birth defects and combating against colorectal cancer. Additionally, it is documented that high levels of folate in combination with other vitamin supplements may actually reduce the risk of breast cancer. Typically clinical trials put emphasis on the combination of folate and vitamin B6 that are helpful in minimizing the potential risk factors triggering breast cancer. It is naturally available in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus.

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What Are Body Building Supplements?

We easily get attracted towards people with smart personalities. Tough body, biceps, six packs abs, broad chest and other features of a good body is a dream of every person. It is often said that your body language speaks about your personality and so it is really essential to have a good body built. Why everyone of us do not have a rocking body built but Celebrities and athletes tend to have a flexible and strong body in their own way? Well! People having smart bodies work on their body postures day in and out. Body building Supplements are the building stones of a rigid and smart body.

Body building Supplements are useful for athletes and those who love to have a tough and healthy body. Basically Body building Supplements are those substances that help to tone the muscles and give a perfect shape to the body by increasing the strength of body. Building Supplements are also taken during weight lifting in order to loose fat. Follow the rule of eat less and work more, your intake and output should be balanced enough to maintain a good body balance. Eating healthy food, having a good sleep, exercising and proper intake of Body building Supplements will surely help a person to remain fit and lead a healthy life.

Building Supplements required for a healthy body can be consumed in any form like capsules, tablets, liquids or even powdered form. Some people who do not consume Supplements feel that intake of Supplements either change or interrupt the natural hormonal levels but this is not true.

Body Supplements generally include Vitamins, proteins,hormones and other ingredients required. Using Supplements in correct way and adequate amount surely reflect on your body texture. Nowadays several online informative sites are also giving valuable information about body Supplements, weight loss products, tips and several other related things.

So you need not necessarily visit a gym or fitness center but having bodybuilding supplements [] in adequate amount will surely keep you fit and fine!

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Garcinia Cambogia for Weight Loss

Let’s start by discussing some of the benefits of garcinia cambogia. This all natural supplement serves the body in the following ways:

A Fat Blocker

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a citric acid byproduct, is the main active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia extract. HCA blocks fat by inhibiting the efforts of citrate lyase, an important metabolic enzyme. This is one of the reasons that Garcinia is so successful as a weight loss supplement.

An Appetite Suppressant

A second important aspect of Hydroxycitric acid is its ability to suppress the appetite. It does this by increasing serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is an important brain chemical that acts as a neurotransmitter. It is responsible for a number of regulatory processes that affect appetite and mood. You will not feel the urge to eat more than what is necessary to maintain a healthy weight.

A Metabolism Booster

One of the greatest benefits of Garcinia Cambogia is the ability to create a more efficient metabolism. The metabolic process is actually a sequence of chemical reactions that keep the body in a constant state of imbalance. HCA helps to balance these reactions and make the process more efficient.

As a result, the body uses more energy than it takes in. This causes it to tap the fat stores for fuel. This extraordinary supplement reduces fat and keeps excess weight down.

A Blood Cholesterol Reducing Agent

As HCA stops the citrate lyase enzyme from transforming sugars into fats, it blocks fat production and storage. At the same time, it reduces the amount of lipids in the blood stream. It lowers production of bad cholesterol and increases the production of good cholesterol.

So, when you take a Pure Garcinia Cambogia capsule, you are in fact waging a war against fat cells which are clinging stubbornly to your vital organs. These fat cells are harmful to your body and contribute to worse health.

A few things to be aware of:

  • Caution is advised in patients with diabetes (high blood sugar) or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and in those taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that can affect blood sugar.
  • Rhabdomyolysis (serious and potentially fatal disease involving degeneration of skeletal muscle) has been reported three hours after ingestion of a weight-loss herbal medicine containing a combination of ma huang (ephedrine), guarana (active alkaloid caffeine), chitosan, Gymnenasylvestre, Garciniacambogia (50% HCA), and chromium.
  • Garcinia is not recommended for use in pregnant or breastfeeding women due to a lack of available scientific evidence. Plus, you don’t want your baby’s appetite being suppressed!
  • As mentioned above, Garcinia Extract may lower blood sugar levels so caution is advised when using medications that can lower blood sugar. Patients taking drugs for diabetes should be monitored closely by a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist. Medication adjustments may be necessary.

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Hammer the Hamstrings For Extreme Football Speed

The question about how to get faster for football come into my inbox at least a dozen times per week. I thought we had the whole football speed thing figured out, but, recently I was forced to train in a commercial gym…sadly, this was a wake-up call that most football players have ZERO idea how to get faster.

It’s rare that I step into a commercial gym to do any football strength and speed training with my football players these days. But, on the rare occasion that I am forced to go into one of these creep-joints, I’m always struck by two strange phenomena’s:

1. Most guys look like light bulbs; all upper body, no legs

2. The leg training done by most “athletes” is an embarrassment

The great majority of the leg training effort is going into leg curls, leg extensions, leg presses and maybe the occasional squat…usually done with no more than 225-lbs bar. This may be fine for the average guy, but, for those football players who ask, “How can I get faster for football, you need to train the legs hard and heavy.

Most football players should take a page from the playbook of Powerlifter’s training: you must absolutely attack the hamstrings and glutes! The oft-mentioned posterior chain (PC) is of utmost importance to athletic ability. The hamstrings, glutes, and lower back are key to being fast and lifting heavy weights in the Deadlift and Squat. Any football player can get faster and more explosive, yet many never do.

These athletes usually neglect training the muscles most responsible for speed development: the muscles of the PC.

In training the hamstrings, a few important points must be emphasized.

· The hamstring group is made up of the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. All must be worked hard for maximum strength and speed.

· The hamstring muscles have two functions: bending the knee and hip extension; both motions must be trained.

· The hams are made up of a high percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers and therefore must be trained heavily. These muscles respond better to lower reps – even as low as singles!

· Because of the high amount of fast twitch fibers, the hamstrings respond well to eccentric work.1

· If they’ve been neglected, the hamstrings will have to be worked more often until they catch up to the powerful quads.

Keep these points in mind when designing a training program for the hamstrings.

The following 12 exercises will hit the hams and glutes hard and heavy.

Choose one to three of them and add them to your training. I suggest putting in one of these movements after your main leg exercise of the day (i.e. Deadlifts or Squats). Shoot for 4 – 6 sets of 4 – 6 reps per movement.

Glute-Ham Raises

You will need a special Glute-ham bench for this exercise. The movement looks something like a back hyperextension except that your legs are bent at the knee and you pull your self up with the hamstrings, glutes, and even the calves by pressing your feet into the toe board and flexing the hamstrings hard. Every gym should have one of these. For more info on this exercise and the Glute-ham bench, check out some of the writings of the Westside Barbell Club, who really popularized this exercise.

The Glute-Ham raise can be done after ever session if using only bodyweight. Or, you can add weight and use it like any barbell exercise. This is one of those rare movements where I doubt you can ever do too much.

Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs)

RDLs are similar to a straight-leg deadlift, with the exception that instead of simply bending at the waist and pulling up on the bar, you have the hips travel backwards when bending over. For many, the SLDL neglects the hamstrings while overworking the lower back. This is especially true for short-leg, long-torso lifters.

The RDL will probably do more for your hamstrings and glutes than any other exercise, with the exception of Deadlifts. It really is a very underrated movement for both athletic performance and for aesthetic appearance. The RDL can do wonders for those wishing to get faster for football.

Be sure to keep a flat back; you can use both clean and snatch grips for variation. This is a movement where you definitely want to keep the reps low. 4 X 6 is a good set-rep scheme to start with. Really push those hips back, stretch those hams out, then pop up.

This can be made more difficult by using one DB at a time.

One-Leg Deadlift

I picked up this little gem from Pavel Tsatsouline. This brutal exercise is performed with two dumbbells or Kettlebells. Place the DBs on the other side of the foot of the leg you are working. With a slight bend in the knee, bend forward at the waist and grasp the DBs.

The non-working leg should be well behind you and off the ground. Go as high as you feel comfortable with. Now, with straight arms, pull the DBs up to waist height while dragging the back foot forward until you are standing erect on two feet, with the DBs at waist height.

This is a great movement to improve football speed because it works the hamstrings one leg at a time, very similar to running.

Snatch Grip Deadlifts

I got an email the other day asking why I advocate using the Snatch Grip Deadlift (SnDL) so much and why not other variations.

Well, there are several reasons, however, all variations of Deadlifting should be used in your football strength program… especially if you want to be as fast as possible!

· Snatch Grip Deads just force you into a lower position, thus forcing the hamstrings and glutes to work harder. Plus, the benefit of the work the entire back gets.

Whenever you can involve the hamstrings more, the better off you are for building leg strength and especially for speed! If your hams are weak, forget being fast.

I would use straps on a SnDL because of the wide grip.

But, don’t go crazy wide on the grip. I’m 6′1 and my index fingers are about an inch outside of the outer rings on a York bar. I know you’ve probably seen O-lifters use the collar to collar grip, but, even when I competed in O-lifting, I didn’t go out this far.

Some would say to simply pull off of a platform, which is fine, but it’s a different movement. Part of the fun of SnDLs is how hard you must also force your abs to work to keep you from falling forward. This exercise really teaches you to sit back when pulling from the ground; an invaluable lesson for anyone wanting to improve their Deadlift.

Snatch Grip Deadlifts from a 4-inch Box

Let’s take a brutally effective exercise and make it even harder by performing it on a 4″ box (or block of wood). This exercise will absolutely terrorize the hamstrings and glutes…with a nice added bonus of hitting the upper back and traps quite nicely. One thing you’ll notice with RDLs and SnDLs is that the upper back and traps are usually pretty sore the day after. Anytime you have to hold a heavy bar and then do multiple reps in a pulling movement, the traps and upper back have to work hard to stabilize the load.

The 4″ box will create a greater range of motion but isn’t so high as to alter body mechanics significantly. If you find your form breaking down at 4″, try using a 3″ box.

Focus on sitting back and letting the hams and glutes do all the work. If there’s one mistake I see over and over again on this movement, it’s that when the weights start getting heavy, lifters start using their arms…that is a recipe for disaster. If you find that you are arm pulling, lower the weight a bit and build back up.

This exercise can also be used as a Max Effort (very heavy) movement or it can be used as an accessory lift.

Band Leg Curls

This is a great movement to train the hams in a dynamic way. The bands will help train the legs to stay strong through the entire range of motion because the exercise will get harder as you get closer to the finish.

Choke a band around the uprights of the rack, sit on a bench and place the band around the back of your ankles. The band should have some tension while your legs are extended. Now, contract the hamstrings hard and do a fast, explosive leg curl.

Band leg curls can also be done one leg at a time. 3 – 4 sets of 8 – 12 is sufficient.

Dynamic Lunges

Lunges have gotten a bad rap because most dummies at the gym use a 3-inch stride and 2lb DBs. However, when done with more moderate-heavy weights and in a Dynamic (explosive) fashion, the lunge can be a tremendous tool in your strength training toolbox.

· The lunge should be a fairly long stride, and instead of simply stepping forward and then back, once your foot hits the ground on the forward stride, explode back up.

Lunges performed in this manner are also effective because the athlete actually opens and closes the kinetic chain while performing the movement, and the lunge also helps the athlete become strong in supporting a high percentage of his bodyweight on one leg, very similar to running.

Don’t be afraid to go heavy on the lunge. No one said you must do them for sets of 15! 3 or 4 sets of 4 – 8 will hit the hamstrings and glutes thoroughly.

Dynamic Medicine Ball Leg Curl

This exercise works great as a finisher and also helps develop explosiveness in the legs.

Begin by lying face down on the ground with your legs together. Have a partner roll the medicine ball down the back of your legs.

When you feel the ball get to your ankles or the backs of your shoes, explode the ball back up to your partner with a leg curl-type motion. It may take a few reps to get it perfect, but when you do, the ball will fly up and back toward your head and your partner should catch the ball at about waist height. This is a great movement to train the hamstrings in an explosive, curling manner. If you are prone to strained or pulled hamstrings when running, give these a shot. You can up the reps on this exercise; sets of 8 – 10 would be advisable.

Please make sure to get a partner who can catch the ball.

Towel Leg Curl

You can probably tell by now that I’m not a huge fan of regular leg curls. The machines are just so limited in their movement patterns and resistance.

However, you’ve noticed I included three leg curl variations in this article. Why? Well, as I said in the beginning, both aspects of the hamstring function must be worked. But, the machine leg curl is for weenies. Both the Band Leg Curl and Medicine Ball Leg Curl are great for training the hams in a dynamic fashion, but the resistance is limited.

Enter the Towel Leg Curl. Lie face down on a bench with your legs hanging off the edge. Have a partner wrap a towel around the backs of your ankles; now do a leg curl.

This method is superior for several reasons:

1) Variable resistance: you can have your partner increase or decrease the load as needed

2) Increased resistance during the eccentric phase; simply have your partner pull harder during the lowering portion of the lift and you fight against the resistance.

3) Variable paths: you can go wide or narrow, one leg or two, during the exercise. Switching up the path of the movement will do wonders for complete development.

The Towel Leg Curl can be done for medium (4 – 8) reps. 3 – 4 sets done can be done toward the end of the session.

Kettlebell Swings

Swings are one of the best, yet most misused, exercises to train the hamstring. The Swing is performed by most as a Squatting-type movement. This style was popularized by those using the Swing as a fat loss tool, which, when done for high reps, is quite effective.

However, we are after performance and hamstring strength here, so that is not the style we’ll be using. The true KB Swing; one that is done for speed, strength, and muscle development is a much longer range of motion with a definitive “snap” at the bottom of the movement.

Notice in the video below that at the bottom, when the K-bells are all the way back, I snap them forward. It’s that reversal of momentum that is of the utmost importance! If you are doing a slow swing, you are doing a worthless swing. Make sure you pop the hips on the way up to involve the glutes as well.

Don’t be afraid to go heavy on these. It is not written in stone that you have to do ultra high reps. Actually, you should shoot for 3 -4 sets of 4 – 6 reps. They now make Kettlebells up to 106lbs, so that should keep even the strongest among us working hard. A dumbbell can be used if no Kettlebells are available.

With football players, I’ve found this movement to be great when performed as a warm-up to a Max Effort (heavy) leg exercise. It’s great in that situation for waking the hams and glutes up and letting them know there’s work to be done!

Swings can also be used after a heavy movement, on speed day or at the end of a session as a finisher.

Upright Sled Walks

Pulling sleds and pushing Prowlers is a great way to condition, but it can also be used as an alternative way to develop the legs. When most pull or push a sled, they do so on an angle. In order to target the hamstrings you must pull from a very upright position.

This is best done while wearing a harness, but can be done by attaching the strap to a lifting belt. When you begin pulling, keep your body as upright as possible and rather than just walk, use your feet to “pull” the ground toward you. To see this in action, next time you walk your dog, get behind him and notice how dogs (all animals) step and pull the ground towards them.

You’ll know if you are doing this correctly because when you do you’ll feel an intense tightening in your hams.

Sled walks can be done in place of any of the other hamstring/glute exercises listed above. Start with 3 trips of 30-yards, and try to work up to 6. At that point, add weight.


If there’s one thing that makes the cardio crowd gasp in horror more than me telling them I think cardio is a waste of time, it’s when I tell them that instead of jogging on some God-forsaken treadmill, I go out and sprint!

Sprints are the long lost training tool that can improve your conditioning, torch bodyfat, and develop a killer set of hamstrings. Even if you are not an athlete, sprinting is still a great idea. The very act of sprinting places a tremendous and unique stress on the hams, glutes, and hips. Just take a look at the legs of any sprinter or NFL Cornerback, and you’ll get a good idea of what sprinting can do for your legs!

Remember, for the purposes of hamstring development, we will keep the sprints short. We are not after conditioning here (that’s another story for another article).

Start with 4 – 5 sprints of 30 yards. Build up to 8. Then, you can start playing with distances; try 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and even some Backpedal Sprints. If you haven’t sprinted in a while, start slow! You may not feel much while you’re out there running, but sprinting can cause big time soreness.

Treat sprints like the Upright Sled Walks: they can be done as an alternative to any of the other hamstring exercises or they can be given their own day. I’ve found that most athletes like to knock the sprints out right after their dynamic (speed) lower day. Some like to do them at the end of a heavy leg session. Experiment and see what works best for you.

There you have it. If your hamstring training is lacking pick two or three of these movements, put them in your program and watch your hamstrings produce Extreme Football Speed!

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Bruce Lee Isometric Exercise – Power and Speed

Bruce Lee isometric exercise ? Was that Bruce Lee secret strength building weapon?

Not a day goes by that an old Bruce Lee movie is shown and people sit in awe of his incredibly lean and V-Tapered body. Bruce Lee was ahead of his time in almost everything he did. Even when it came to bodybuilding. In a day and age where sheer bulk meant strength, Bruce Lee changed the world by showing them the beauty of muscle definition and the power that it produces.

As you may know from my website, I have done an incredible amount of research into Bruce Lee, his workouts and fitness training methods. In fact, it is this research that motivated me to create an isometric exercise device that incorporated many of Bruce Lee isometric exercise principles.

Bruce Lee begin using isometrics exercise right from the beginning of his martial arts training. Isometrics was always part of martial arts, so it is not unusual for him to have practiced this type of fitness training.

But, Bruce Lee was an innovator, and he felt the same way about strength training that he did about martial arts. That is, take what works use it, take what doesn’t work and throw out.

That philosophy embodies the spirit of Bruce Lee and the way that he used isometric exercise.

Bruce Lee, began putting more emphasis on isometric exercise right after his back injury from doing a free weight exercise called Good Mornings. He had read and studied Bob Hoffman’s work with the US Olympic weightlifting team. He decided to expand his training, in the same way that he expanded Jeet Kune Do.

Bruce Lee experimented with many training devices, including an isometric exercise device that was being sold at the time. The main difference was in his application of the isometric exercise device. Unlike traditional isometrics, he performed many repetitions of the exercise, and then used what is now referred to as a post-isometric exercise contraction.

Bruce Lee found by using it in this manner, he increased his muscle size, fitness level and strength significantly. The thing I most liked about Bruce Lee, is that he wasn’t stuck to tradition, or dogmas. He did not sit and defend traditional martial arts, he innovated. His greatest contribution to the bodybuilding and martial arts community was in that belief system. In reading the original Jeet Kune Do manuscript, that became very apparent.

It is unfortunate that some people, remain rigid in their thinking , believing that because something worked in the past that it is still the most effective way to do it that way today. If we can learn something from Bruce Lee, it is to be, as he so aptly put it “be like water. Water conforms to its environment, yet is not subdued by it. We should take that thought and apply it not only to our lives but to our isometric exercise and training.

Bruce Lee isometric exercise training Was a tool he used to achieve his goal. It is unfortunate that Bruce Lee died at such a young age.

Here is one perfect example of his use of that philosophy… when he was practicing wrestling, the wrestler pinned him and asked what would he do if he was caught in this position in a real fight. Bruce Lee responded, “well, I would bite you, of course.”

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