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5-HTP Benefits Explained

5-Hydroxytryptophan simply known as 5-HTP is one that indicates and precedes to the Neurotransmitter Serotonin a substance that transmits nerve impulses across the gap between neurons and an intermediate in the tryptophan metabolism.

5-HTP is an amino acid, a supplement that has been proposed to control serotonin levels in people who are suffering painful uneasiness of mind or people who are under pressure or strain. Continuous research has been proven to have this effect on serotonin in the central nervous system. Serotonin is the one responsible in the regulation of sleep, mood, temperature balance, appetite, sexual behaviors and pain sensation.

Another research has been shown useful in some conditions characterized in part by serotonin deficits, mostly psychological disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, and feelings of dejection.

5-HTP can be used as nutrient support. It helps regulate normal body function. In some cases like insomnia, obesity, chronic tension, headache and fibromyalgia, 5-HTP made some patients to feel better.

5-HTP’s Psychoactive Action

It is accepted to obtain from its effect on serotonin synthesis. To increase production, the brain’s serotonin producing neurons and it is believed that it is caused by an artificially high level of 5-HTP. Increase of serotonin production leads to increased release.

It is said that 5-HTP is suggested to be administered with a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor by some clinicians. That is to prevent elevated serotonin levels in the bloodstream and the subsequent side effects.

5-HTP is generally used to aid disorders such as depression, anxiety problems, insomnia, migraines, weight loss, and fibromyalgia.

Recent studies are made trying to make a conclusion if whether or not 5-HTP is effective and the results are as follows:

Sixty three people were prescribed 100mg of 5-HTP during the six-week period and there appear to be an outcome similar to a prescribe serotonin increaser prescription drug or anti depressant medication. This concludes that 5-HTP indeed is a beneficial treatment for depression.

Though as much as 600mg of 5-HTP was given to participants and sufferers of migraines, 5-HTP showed small signs of helping to prevent migraines. After six months of continuous use, some claimed that it was as effective as their prescription medicines.

Over a four-week period, a double blind study using a placebo where 50 people suffering from fibromyalgia participated in the research and then afterwards, they noticed a small improvement with the help of 5-HTP. Fibromyalgia is a condition that includes fatigue, and enormous joint and muscle pain.

There is a limitation in taking 5-HTP. People who would like to use 5-HTP as a supplement should first consult their physicians if they would take it together with other prescribed drugs. It should also be noted that 5-HTP should not be taken together with carbidopa, dextromethorphan, or tramadol. Also, women should avoid using 5-HTP without consulting their physicians. Using 5-HTP while nursing or pregnant has not been studied.

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