Archive | January, 2017

The Secret to Getting a Boxer Body

If you’re training to be a pro boxer, amateur boxer, or even a fight, one thing you’ll definitely want is a “boxer’s body.” What do I mean by a boxer’s body? It’s quite simple. Look at the greats of the boxing world like Muhammad Ali. Broad shoulders, built back, chest, and triceps.

And what do all boxers have in common? They train hard on the punch bags. A boxing bag is the boxer’s number one tool. So how does this contribute to getting a boxer body? Well, let us define a boxer body.

On an overall basis, I would define a boxer’s body as being very firm. This is key to having a boxer’s body and all pro boxers have this. Just go up to a boxer in the gym next time and give him a punch on the arm or chest! Whether he is muscularly built or not, you’ll feel as though you just punched a wall or a 250 lb heavy bag. If you look at fighters in the boxing world, you’ll notice a couple of things.

1) They are not all huge in terms of muscle mass

2) Muscles of many boxers aren’t overly defined

It is a common misconception that boxers are supposed to, or do, have bodies like weightlifters. This is not the case. Remember that muscle mass does not equate to strength. Proof of this lies in the MMA/UFC cages.

We’ve all seen very muscular fighters get completely owned by fighters who have very little muscular mass. A great example of this was the Lyoto Machida vs. Evans fight in UFC 98.

So a boxer body therefore equates to a body with much inner strength. An exercise that helps gain inner strength, that is, strength of the tissues, organs and ligaments, is hindu pushups. Another exercise is grappling and throwing a punching bag dummy. These help to built inner strength and not necessarily huge muscles.

So the secret to developing a real boxer’s body is to train like them. Do exercises that contribute to your inner strength. Meditate, train hard on the punch bags and don’t give up. If you want to firm up, use the boxing bag to train in rounds. Move around so you develop both endurance as well. To really firm up your muscles, you’re going to have to do a lot of cardio and inner strength training.

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Cardio Kickboxing Top 10 Questions

1. What is Cardio Kickboxing?

Cardio kickboxing is a hybrid of boxing, martial arts and aerobics done rhythmically to music. Cardio kickboxing is also known as aerobic kickboxing or fitness kickboxing. Offering an intense cross-training and total-body workout it utilizes the training routines used by martial artists in the sports of boxing and kickboxing. The objective is not to make a “fighter” out of you, but rather to give a balanced overall program that combines a cardio aerobic workout with the techniques for self-defense. There is no physical contact in the class – it is offered as an alternative to conventional aerobics.

Unlike a traditional martial arts class, the music adds to your stimulation and motivation. Unlike an aerobics class, there are numerous techniques you can learn beyond the basics to maintain your interest level. Classes go by fast because there is so much going on.

2. What are the benefits of Cardio Kickboxing?

These classes give you a full body workout and improve your physical fitness, flexibility, coordination, and balance. If you do the punches with precision and power, you will strengthen your upper body and eventually see more muscle definition. The kicks will strengthen your legs. And kneeing moves (a strike in which you thrust your bent knee upward) will firm your abdominal muscles; in fact, all of the moves, when done correctly, will make your torso into a solid base that lets you do day-to-day tasks more easily. Many cardio kickboxing classes also include bagwork that provides additional fitness and strength training benefits because of the “resistance” when punching or kicking the heavy boxing bags.

Your cardiovascular system will benefit, too. Cardio kickboxing is a truly aerobic workout – it keeps you bobbing, weaving, and jumping amidst the punches and kicks, so that your heart rate stays elevated for most of the session. A good class will leave you drenched in sweat and energized. And your increased conditioning will be accompanied by an increased metabolism meaning you will burn more calories even when you aren’t exercising.

A lot of people find cardio kickboxing a great way to release stress. The stress relief and the channeling of aggression can be as beneficial as the actual physical workout itself. The physiological difference between this workout and other cardiovascular workouts such as running or participating in an aerobics class can’t be explained with just the simple “release of endorphines”. A natural high is experienced after a class that lasts for hours. Civilized, as we’ve all been not to hit each other (which is, of course, a good thing), we’re still equipped with some natural aggression. You may find that planting your heel in the torso of a phantom foe 10 or 20 times leaves you feeling wonderfully tranquil.

3. Who should take a Cardio Kickboxing class?

Anyone who wants to get in better shape. Although primarily designed for adults, cardio kickboxing classes can benefit teens too. Student athletes can train to improve their physical fitness and conditioning. And the resulting boost in self-confidence gives a mental edge when it comes to getting more playing time and performing well during actual games.

Students who are home-schooled or who do not like to participate in conventional athletic programs can derive health and fitness benefits too. Exercise is important. And, because of the added self-defense benefit that comes as a by-product of the program, it improves a student’s self-esteem, channels aggressiveness, and enhances assertiveness.

It’s recommended you check with your health-card provider before taking the class if you have not exercised regularly recently, and come in and talk to a teacher and watch part of a class if you have other questions or concerns.

4. What should I expect in a Cardio Kickboxing class?

A typical class is a little over an hour-long. If you are going to hit bags, prior to the class, participants wrap both hands with cloth handwraps to help protect the knuckles and support the wrists (the instructor will show you how). Then with everyone facing the mirror, a teacher leads the group through specific punches and kicks, to the beat of dance-club music. The class starts with a warm-up period, moves to fast shadowboxing and kicking drills, then to heavy bag work, and ends with some strength building exercises and a cool-down stretch. Intermixed with this are aerobic conditioning drills such as high-knees, grapevines and jumping jacks.

Be prepared to feel a little clumsy and lost at times – but don’t let yourself feel discouraged. Even if you’re a highly conditioned runner or you’ve been doing step aerobics for years, these moves may be new to your body. Pay attention to what feels right to you. Don’t do a move that hurts, and take breaks if you feel tired. Your muscles need time to develop their “memory”, and your reactions as the teacher calls out what to do (“jab, cross, hook, roundhouse”) will be slow at first. By the second or third class, the awkwardness will start to dissipate.

5. What will I learn?

The first thing you’ll learn is the stance — a way of standing that maximizes balance and puts power behind your moves. Your feet are about shoulder-width apart and at a slight angle, one foot set back from the other. Your fists are up around your cheek-bones to guard your face (Don’t hunch your shoulders). This is the position you’ll return to after every punch and kick.

You will also learn how to move, which is important because you use your momentum to generate power. This involves keeping in motion while staying up on the balls of your feet, which enables you to act or respond much more efficiently. The general rule for a powerful strike is to use your body’s weight and momentum, not just your arms. Engage your abdominal muscles and exhale the breath as you rotate and punch.

The punches generally taught are the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. The kicks will include the front kick, side kick, back kick, angle kick and roundhouse. But punches and kicks just don’t come in multiples of one. You will learn kickboxing sequences, how the jab sets up the cross, sets up the hook, etc. Each strike sets up the next so you can generate much more power by combos of two or more. The torque of your body helps to create this momentum. The individual moves are worked into swiftly executed combinations (for example: jab, cross punch, hook, uppercut, front kick).

Different instructors have different takes on what they teach and the subtleties of techniques, but the basics that you learn from one teacher will hold up in all the classes.

6. What should I wear?

Sweats, shorts and a T-shirt, an aerobic-dance outfit — whatever keeps you comfortable and cool. Wear well-made athletic shoes that aren’t too worn. Running shoes aren’t ideal because they’re not constructed for side-to-side movements. Basketball, tennis or other shoes designed for pivots and lateral movements are better. It is also very important that your shoes are clean. Barefeet are OK too.

7. Could I hurt myself?

Yes. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a sore elbow or wrist, a pulled muscle, or one of the injuries that commonly occur in aerobics classes such as a sprained knee or twisted ankle. So adopt a protective attitude toward your body.

If you can spare the time, arrive a few minutes early to get your handwraps on and warm up by gently stretching your legs (especially the fronts and backs of the thighs) and shoulders. Make sure you are and stay well hydrated.

During the class, make sure that you stop the motion of each punch or kick before the joint is fully extended. Never kick or punch so far that you lock the elbow or knee joints. Also, start out focusing on kicking low and with control. Respect your body’s limits. Sure, you can change those limits — but it’ll take time, dedication, and a realistic attitude.

8. Will Cardio Kickboxing give me skills to defend myself?

Since you will be working out anyway, learning basic self-defense skills at the same time is an added benefit. Over time you will develop strong kicking and punching abilities and learn the practical application of techniques practiced in the air on the heavy bag. It takes bagwork practice to gauge distance and effectively landing your punch or kick flush on a target. You just can’t just shadow-kickbox, you need the feedback of hitting something. Be aware though that the focus is on conditioning and not on self-defense, if you really want to learn self-defense tactics, take a martial arts or self-defense classes.

9. How can I get the most out of the classes?

As with any other exercise, if you want to improve your cardiovascular condition or trim an inch here and there, you’ll have to do it regularly. Two to four sessions a week is probably optimal; in between classes it is good to mix things up. For example take a brisk walk or run, do some stretching or yoga to increase your flexibility, or simply take a day to rest.

10. How can I learn more?

Go to a class!

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How to Get a Guy Interested After You Have Chased Him Too Much? These Tips Will Do the Repair Work

Have you chased a guy so much that it seems as if he’s no longer interested in you? This isn’t an impossible situation: you can get his interest back. Just follow these steps, and you are sure to find a way to turn his attention around.


Avoid sending him text messages, instant messages, and voice mail. This will make him start to think about what happened to you. He’ll wonder why you aren’t chasing him. Note that to pull this off successfully, one must have discipline and self-control.

Play hard to get

Playing hard to get really works when you need to get a guy’s interest back. This is because men like the thrill of the chase, and will pursue women who don’t show much interest after paying attention to her for some time.

Be still, thy heart

You may want to change your attitude after chasing a man too much. Don’t show him your true feelings. Always remain composed, even when he’s only a few feet away from you. Try not to show him that you’re aware of his presence, and that it’s affecting you in any way.

Get a makeover

Wear flirtatious clothes that can catch his eye. Buy new clothes, get a really nice haircut, and put on some new make-up. A change in appearance can insinuate that you’ve changed. You want to pique his curiosity. What exactly changed about you? The more you make him wonder, the more attention he’ll give you – which is what you’re after

Be Unavailable

Don’t answer his calls. This will make it look as if you have lost interest in him. The point is to make him wonder what exactly happened to change the way things were. Eventually, he’d want to know what happened to the woman who used to chase him, and start paying more attention to you.

Look confident

Make him believe that even if you have chased him a great deal, you are still the confident woman that you are. This might seem a bit difficult, since you did chase him around for a time, but a woman who is confident is a pedestal of assured positive energy that can rekindle his curiosity.

Respect yourself

Even if you were the one who did all the chasing, you still need to respect yourself! If you can’t get his interest back, work on trying to get over it – and move on. There are better things for you, and the sooner you get a hold of yourself, the sooner you’ll start acting more confident – and we’ve established that confidence is pretty attractive for men.

Who knows, it might even get his interest back!

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Healthy Diet for Men: Build Yourself in Your Early 20’s

The diet choices you make during the early days of your youth can seriously affect the rest of your life. Studies show that men who have had a healthy lifestyle in their 20’s which included a nutritious, balanced diet were less likely to develop heart diseases as they aged, in comparison to those who did not have a balanced diet. Getting the right amount of calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and phytochemicals during your younger years may help you in many ways, a few of which are lowering the risk of neurological disorders, cancer and more. Having a healthy diet for men isn’t difficult. The key here is to avoid the intake of high-sugar, high-fat, processed foods instead of fresh produce, lean protein whole grains and healthy fats.

Here below are two ways through which you can build and maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

Heap on Whole Grains: The United States of Agriculture says that moderately active men, especially those in their early 20’s must consume about eight 1-ounce servings of grains every day. An ounce of grains counts as 3 cups of air-popped popcorn, one slice of bread, 1 cup of ready to eat cereal, ½ cup cooked rice, pasta or cereal grains or one corn or flour tortilla. However, keep in mind that at least half of these grains must be whole grains such as whole-wheat couscous, noodles or bread or brown rice. To have a healthy diet for men, it is also essential to avoid commercially baked goods such as cakes, pastries, cookies or crackers as they are made from refined flour which contains trans fats that have a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Fruits and Veggies- Include them in your daily diet: It is said that men must eat about 2 cups of fruits daily, especially in their early 20’s. They must also consume plenty of vegetables, at least about 3 cups a day to have a healthy diet for men. To ensure that you’re getting enough, it is essential that you design each meal so that you ensure the consumption of fruits and vegetables. It is also advisable to choose fresh or frozen produce over canned fruits or vegetables whenever possible. In the case of using canned food, make sure to pick low or no sodium brands of vegetables and look for a fruit packed in 100% juice without any added sweetener.

Besides these, numerous other foods are essential for to have a healthy diet for men that help the various body functions and improve male health. However, this is just a few of the foods that are crucial to ensure a healthy living.

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Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe – Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 7 Days

When people found out that hospitals were feeding patients with weight loss problems with a Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe, many became curious as to how it works. They say that you can lose up to 15 pounds in 7 days just by cooking this dish, but none really knew how to cook this. This article will tell you more about this so make sure to prepare your cooking skills to cook this amazing dish.

To prepare the Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe, you will need the following ingredients: one bunch of blended celery, one or two large cans of tomatoes, one huge head of cabbage, two green peppers, parsley, six green onions, and salt and pepper to taste.

Below are the following directions to prepare our Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe:

1. With all of the above ingredients, chop all these vegetables into small to medium pieces and wash thoroughly.

2. Heat a pan filled with half water and boil for about 10 minutes.

3. Upon boiling, slowly drop all the chopped ingredients and reduce to simmer.

4. Season it with salt and pepper.

5. Continue cooking until the vegetables feel tender.

6. Serve while hot or you can also pour in a thermos for the next morning.

After learning how to cook Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe, we will give you helpful examples of daily meal plan for optimum result:

1. On the beginning of the week, you can choose from a variety of fruits to eat excluding bananas. Your best options are watermelons and cantaloupes because of their low calorie contents. On top of these fruits is the soup and cranberry juice or water.

2. Afterwards, you can eat vegetables that are either fresh or cooked. As much as possible, choose the green leafy vegetables and refrain from eating corn, peas, or dry beans. Indulge yourself with a buttered baked potato at dinnertime and the soup.

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Metabolic Acids and Plantar Fasciitis

Our feet are critical for our balance, coordination and of course, walking. We take them pretty much for granted until they hurt. Then we are really aware how important they are for our comfort. Thousands of people suffer from different conditions with the feet. One of the most painful is called plantar fasciitis. This is where there is sharp or throbbing pain in the heel and under part of the foot, particularly the arch.

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common and frequently seen conditions by medical doctors and foot specialists. More people hobble in to their doctors seeking relief. The tissues on the underside of the foot become irritated and inflamed to the point that it is almost too painful to walk. The inflammation affects the band of fascia or tissue which supports the arch and runs the length of the foot from the heel to the toes. When it gets that painful, it is called a “stage 4 acidic wear and tear injury”.

Steven Ross, MD, clinical professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of California at Irvine, and President of the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) says that plantar fasciitis is a very common problem in adults, particularly overweight, middle age women. It does affect all walks of life. It doesn’t seem to matter if you are very active or sedentary, you can still get plantar fasciitis.

The medical model explains that plantar fasciitis is a repetitive stress injury, but people who sit at a desk all day, want to know how they can get a repetitive stress injury when they are on their feet very little. The answer lies in their diet and lifestyle which accumulates metabolic acids in the body tissues. When the rate of inflammation rises high enough, certain vulnerable tissues start screaming in pain. Metabolic acids can cause burning pain much like the pain you would feel if you spilled acid on yourself, or a significant ache in the bones and joints.

Metabolic acids are the waste products burped out of cells after the cell has consumed its fuel and spit out the waste. Basic high school chemistry tells us that if something is acid and you want to neutralize it, you need to add something that is alkaline or base to it. That is the simplest non-invasive, non pharmaceutical (read, no side effects) way to fix an acidic condition. You can be sure that if you have inflammation in your feet, you have it everywhere, you just can’t feel it yet. If you wait long enough without getting rid of the acids in your body, you will feel it sooner or later. The fastest way to get rid of an acidic body condition, called acidosis by scientists, is to alkalize the body. Strict alkaline diet takes between 6 to 8 months to begin to see the results, but who wants to eat five dinner salads every day or 2 pounds of kale for dinner? Wouldn’t you rather just drink alkaline, ionized water and start to turn more alkaline within two to three days. As you alkalize, the pain reduces until it is gone, the length of time varies with how acidic you are.

Other forms of treatment that alkalize the foot area only, come in the form of sodium bicarbonate injections, into the painful tissue area to neutralize the acids in the arch of the foot. Clay packs on the feet can also pull out acids. These are similar to clay packs for the face. Hot mineral salt baths for the feet, using bicarbonate salts like calcium bicarbonate, magnesium bicarbonate, etc. are comforting and do help draw the alkaline water through the skin and increase the circulation so it can be eliminated.

Some forms of treatment involve soaking the feet in heated ionized acidic water for 30 minutes twice a day. It is believed that the positively charged acidic water draws into the skin, which causes the negatively charged blood to flow into the feet, thus increasing circulation to remove acidic waste.

There are also ionized foot pads that are available from Ionways called Acupeds. See the article called “Acupeds and Plantar Fasciitis” for how they work. These pads are worn on the bottoms of the feet at night. They actually draw the toxins and metabolic acids from the muscles and tissues of the feet as you sleep. As the toxic load becomes less, the pain is relieved.

Other treatments that do not involve alkalizing include different types of exercises, stretching and foot massage. These forms of therapy can improve the circulation and increase the cellular pumping action that gets those nasty acids moving into the blood stream to eventually go down the chute.

There are surgical procedures that relieve the strain in the plantar fascia but it actually transfers the problem to other areas of the foot. There is another surgical procedure that is done to relieve the tightness in the calf muscles, believing that it will reduce pressure on the heel and the under-foot fascia. I, myself am not sure why one would do surgery on an acidic condition that can be reversed simply and easily without it.

Some foot specialists recommend orthodics or orthodic-like inserts into the heel and arch portion of the shoe. Some are custom made and some can be purchased over-the-counter. Some of the inserts that you buy over-the-counter can act by stimulating acupressure points on the bottom of the foot. It doesn’t seem to matter how long you have been having foot pain and severe the pain is, some people obtain relief within minutes.

Believe it or not, the size of your waist-line can have an effect on whether or not you get plantar fasciitis. Toxins are stored in body fat, that is why the body makes fat. If you did not have a lot of toxins, you would not be over or underweight. By modifying your diet to include more alkaline foods and more alkaline, ionized water, your body would discharge toxins into your waste chutes and your weight would naturally find its ideal. We have other articles to reference this, so check them out.

Dr. Ross explains that without surgical intervention, plantar fasciitis usually sorts itself out with patience, time and exercise. Nothing is a quick fix and quite often the surgical treatments don’t work as they are intended. Dr. Robert. O. Young says that approximately 99 percent of those with plantar fasciitis, who alkalize with diet and alkaline, ionized water will see relief much sooner without surgery.

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Power In Your Daily Diet By Taking Cucumber, Garden Egg and Grape


Cucumber contains protein, fat, minerals, fiber, carbohydrate, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium.

Cucumber is useful in the following ways:

1. Cucumber is good in the treatment of hyper-acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcer. It gives immediate relief when there is burning sensation in the stomach.

2. Fighting of constipation:- The fiber content helps to overcome the hypotony which is the cause of constipation. Those who suffer from constipation can benefit by taking three cumbers a day.

3. For treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and gout:- These diseases are caused by uric acid, cucumber has some properties which give relief to such patients.

4. Control of diabetes:- It contain few carbohydrate and it is rich in mineral; and vitamin, it is quite a good healthy food for the diabetics.

It is also an ideal for the obese.

5. When grinded and applied regularly over the face for twenty minutes, it prevent pimples, it also freshens the skin. It is a good beauty aid and good moisturizer for the skin.


Garden egg is very rich in nutrient and very useful to the body.

1. It serves as good appetizer

2. It boost the immune system

3. Strengthens body tissues

4. A good diet for the hypertensive and diabetic patient

5. Enhances free circulation of bloods

6. Helps the nervous system to function well


Two types of nutrients stand out in the grape’s composition: sugar and B complex vitamins. It contains few protein and fats. The protein fructose, which are simple sugars and are capable of passing directly to the bloodstream without need for digestion. Grapes are among the rashest fresh fruit in vitamin B6 vitamin B1, B2 and B3 are also present in amounts that are greater than those of most fresh fruits. Grapes also contain significant amount of vitamin A and C. Among its mineral content are potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and copper. It contain 1% soluble vegetable fiver a significant amount for a fresh fruit. A grape is recommended in the following areas:

1. Grapes contain some organic acids which alkalize the blood and facilitate the elimination of metabolic waste such as uric acid in the body. It helps to detoxify the body.

2. Treatment of heart diseases:- the Flavonoids and Resveratrol content of grapes and grape juice enhance the dilation of the arteries and improve blood flow without forming clots. These also prevent the deposit of cholesterol on arterial wall of the heart. It is foods that protect the heart and the circulatory system.

3. Treatment of Thrombosis:- This is the blood tendency to form clots within the arteries and veins. This can be reduced by consumption of grapes. This is very important for those who have suffered a stroke or are at risk of one.

4. Anemia treatment:- grapes are one of the richest fresh fruits in iron which helps in building hemoglobin in the blood. A n anemic patient will notice improvement with the regular consumption of grapes.

5. Correcting liver disorder:- It helps to detoxify the liver, this stimulate glycogenic function and bile productions which enhanced the liver.

6. Intestinal disorders:- Grapes are a mild laxative that relieves chronic constipation due to lazy instine. They also balance intestine floral and avoid putrefaction a process of decaying caused by a diet rich in animal protein.

7. Renal disorders:- Because of grapes diuretic and decongestive action, as well as their mineral composition they are highly recommended in cases of renal failure.

8. Treatment of Gout and arthritis:- Grapes are excellent for eliminating Uric acid in the kidney. Regular grape consumption is particularly beneficial for arthritics, the Obese, and those with a diet rich in eat products.

9. Grapes reduces the effect of cancer:- the resveratrol found in grapes, particularly in the skin has been shown experimentally to posses anti-tumor properties. Abundant grape consumption is advised as a complement to other treatments for those who have been diagnosed with cancer or who are at high risk of it.

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Basmati Rice – Busting the Nutritional Myths

Rice has always been in question whenever there is a discussion of eating healthy. People face dilemma of whether to include rice in their diet or not, especially when they’re looking to live healthy and lose weight. Even when it comes to the absolutely delicious Indian Basmati Rice, there is always weighing of pros and cons before you include it to your shopping cart at the supermarket. But the questions still remain. Is rice really fattening? Should you avoid it completely?

Let’s look at the issue in detail to decide once and for all whether you should consume Basmati Rice or not as a regular diet. Basically there are numerous schools of thoughts which contradict one another while discussing Basmati Rice nutrition and calories content. One major group believes that the Indian Basmati is full of starch and has very little amount of nutrients to offer, hence they should be avoided especially by those who are looking to eat healthy and lose weight.

Contradicting them are those who believe that basmati is a rich source of carbohydrates and necessary minerals and hence must be consumed regularly. Both of them aren’t entirely wrong and neither entirely correct.

The Asian Heritage Argument

This argument mainly challenges those who claim rice is fattening. Basmati Rice is the staple food of many Asian countries who have been consuming it for generations after generations. Even then, they have managed to remain healthy and slim. Hence, it slightly proves that Basmati, in itself, is not entirely fattening.

Eating Rice in the Evening Makes you Fat

There are people who believe that consuming Rice in the evening causes the body to store excess fat. This fat is not burned off due to inactivity during sleep. But the truth is entirely different than that! The weight gain is not entirely due to the Rice you consume but it is an accumulation of all the calories you consume during the day. Rice Calories do add to that total but does not make the majority of it. If you consume more calories in total than the amount you burn off each day, you will gain weight irrespective of whether you consume Indian Basmati Rice or not.

Bad for Gluten-sensitivity

Another myth about Basmati Rice Nutrition is that it is a source of Gluten which causes health disorders. But the Indian Basmati Rice is inherently gluten-free. So if you’re suffering from celiac disease or NCGS (non-celiac gluten sensitivity); you can still consume Basmati without any fear. Rice does not need gluten protein unlike dough to make them stick together. Hence, even if you’re gluten-intolerant, Basmati Nutrition will not affect your health in any way.

The Bottom Line

The next time you go to the supermarket to buy Indian Basmati Rice, you can add them in your cart without any regret. If everything else is going great for you like insulin sensitivity, regular activity, absence of metabolic deranging foods like fructose, lectins and excessive linoleic acid etc., then Basmati Rice Nutrition and Calories are not going to affect your health drastically.

In conclusion, we would like to advise you to stop curbing your craving for delicious Indian Basmati Rice delicacies and add it to your diet without any regrets.

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How to Be Successful on Medifast – My Top Three Tips to Help You Get the Results That You Want

No one wants to waste their time and money. And no one wants to put their faith in yet another diet program that’s going to disappoint them and leave them more frustrated and skeptical than when they started. And yet, this is what many of us secretly suspect is going to happen any time we brace ourselves to start a new diet program. I know that – at least in the end – I ultimately failed on many diets before I eventually changed things with medifast. Some were better and lasted longer than others, but ultimately my body seemed to always go back to where it seemed comfortable. (This weight was where my body seemed comfortable but not where I personally was comfortable.)

Honestly, by the time I made my way to medifast, I was under no illusions that it was going to be the solution. I was just looking to fulfill a short term goal – to lose weight for a wedding. And perhaps that’s why it stuck so much better than the others. It sort of snuck up on me because I wasn’t resisting, questioning myself, or over analyzing. My goal was simply to take it one day at a time, do well enough to reach my weekly goals, and to keep going if I were so inclined. This “one day at a time” approach took the pressure off and made the whole process much more desirable. And, once the results kept coming, that was the motivation that I needed to keep going.

If there is anything that I’ve learned, it’s that dieting is really tacking the short term hurdles and then just continuing on. You should keep losing gradual weight as long as you can keep going. When you stop, the weight creeps back up or the progress stops. This is why it’s so vital to pick a diet that you really can live with. In the following article, I will offer more tips that I’ve learned along the way that I believe had contributed the success that I’ve had with this diet.

Tip #1: Define Success In The Short Term: Do Not Allow Yourself To Feel Pressured Or Stressed: Here is a basic truth of all human nature. People are generally going to avoid things that feel undesirable. If you are not getting some positive pay off, then you’re going to begin making excuses, not giving your all, and eventually, you might give up.

Look at it this way. Say you want to lose 100 or even 50 pounds. Both of these seem like life changing yet daunting goals. But, if you were to lose only 2 ½ pounds each week (which really isn’t that difficult,) then you would lose 50 pounds in about five months and 100 pounds in less than a year. And along the way, because you weren’t stressing over it and taking a somewhat sensible approach, you would have probably enjoyed the process more and maybe picked up a new lifestyle which has everything to do with whether the weight will stay off.

Tip #2: Understand Ketosis And The Glycemic Load: (And How Medifast Helps You Achieve This:) There are probably not many people who equate medifast with high protein, carbohydrate controlled diets like Atkins or the belly cure. But, in a sense, it works under the same principal. The medifast foods are low in sugar and carbs and are weighty on the protein. Before you sigh or groan (like I did,) understand that the food has been modified to make this happen. You’re not eating eggs and bacon. You’re eating pudding, oatmeal, shakes, chili, chocolate bars, and chips – and not always foods that you would associated with being “low carb.”

By combining a low amount of calories and a low amount of carbs, you’re inching your body toward ketosis which is where your body finally gives in and starts burning fat stores rather than those carbs that it’s been feasting on. This is really your promised land and where you want to stay as often as you can manage it. And, this is why you want to reasonably follow the instructions for your one large “lean and green meal” each day. If everything is going along swimmingly with your five medifast meals but then you carb load at dinner (if that’s when you have your lean and green) then you run the risk of of getting out of your hard won ketosis. And then your progress might slow.

Of course, it’s completely unrealistic to expect that you will never cheat or come a little short and this is perfectly OK. It really is a marathon rather than a sprint. It’s the cumulative effect of all of your efforts. Don’t beat yourself up or stress yourself out. Just get back up and keep going.

Tip #3 Find Your Unique Stride Where Things Are Clicking And Keep Going: After a few weeks, many people find the combination of foods and preparation methods that are going to make this process the most comfortable and desirable. For me, it was making the shakes very cold and adding a little more liquid. It also took me a while to find a nice rotation of lean and green meals. I also learned it didn’t negatively affect me to add fat free cheese to the chili and chips or sugar free syrup to the oatmeal, pudding and shakes. These things made me like the foods better and I was still losing weight. Don’t feel guilty or bad for making things work for you. As long as you’re getting results, it’s all good.

Some people will make charts and rewards for themselves and others don’t like the pressure that this brings. Whatever works for you as an individual is absolutely fine. I believe that there are really only a few keys to this. Make it as pleasurable and as low stress as you can. Find what works. And then repeat the process so that you get the results that you want and make these things habitual.

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Grow Taller Tips – Exercises and Techniques That Stimulate Growth

Are you ready to devote the time needed for you to be in command of your body to increase your height and pick up your life? You can choose to grow taller today by following some very straightforward grow taller tips. Here are some tips and ideas will help you to grow taller.

There are easily executable, safe, and effectual exercises that have been used to help people all over the world increase their body height reasonably quickly. This is not ALL the information you will ever need to grow taller, but this should be enough to show you that the possibilities of you doing so are seriously larger than you ever imagined.

Each exercise is designed for safety and ease of understanding. They require a few minutes each to perform. They consist of these grow taller tips:

· Learning certain positions lying down to minimize stress or tension that gravity puts us under during every day.

· A well-known and very simple technique to instantly relieve stress in your lower back and lumbar regions.

· Correct the following problems: bad posture, over-tiredness or fatigue, depression.

· Demonstrate how equipment designed to help de-stress your spinal column, relax all your back and neck muscles and restore your posture so that you regain your natural height.

· Show you movements designed to correct your bearing and broaden your shoulders thereby improving your propensity for growth.

· Find exactly how your carriage position has been aching to get release.

· Show you why you must stop frowning or scowling and develop a smiling and sunny attitude.

These are some of the grow taller tips that you need to know in order to encourage your body to operate at its maximum height and for your mind to acknowledge that you really are getting taller along with a new healthier and positive mental outlook.

Hone in on the specifics, cut through any fog and get into thinking taller from now on.

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